Yes, Fat IS in Your Genes

October 11, 2004
German scientists have found that mutations in the MC4R genehave a "major" impact on people's body mass index. Peoplewho have the mutations are much heavier than those who donot. The researchers examined the body weights and DNA of 181relatives of... continued

Stink Flower Blooms Again

October 11, 2004
This time Australia is the lucky locale. Hundreds of peopleare lining up in Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens to get aglimpse of the rarely-blooming Titan Arum, also known as the"corpse flower," which has the world's largest and worstsmelling blooms. The smell... continued

African Wars Really Over Climate Change

October 11, 2004
Environmentalists predict that global warming, which canlead to droughts and encroaching deserts, will lead to warsin the future. This is already happening in Africa. Ed Stoddard writes that many African conflicts there can betraced back to increasingly parched and degraded... continued

How Bird Mates Find Each Other in the Spring

October 8, 2004
Scientists are still trying to figure outhow birds getaround. They also want to understand how birds from thesame species may be isolated from each other for months, butstill somehow know exactly when to return home to meet upwith their mates... continued

Danes to Claim North Pole

October 8, 2004
The Chinese want to claim the moon for its valuableHelium-3, although the U.S. has vowed to return and plantanother American flag there first. Now Denmark wants tostake a claim to the North Pole, so they can hunt for theoil that... continued

Why No Volcanoes on the East Coast?

October 8, 2004
We're waiting to see if Mount St. Helens will erupt again inWashington State, but we never hear about volcanic activityon the East Coast of the U.S. There's a scientific reasonfor this. Sally Harris writes that the kinds of geological conditionsthere... continued

Anne’s Diary: Idealism or Ideology?

October 8, 2004
In her new diary,Anne Strieber writes: "We expect all politicians and leadersto have ideals and surprisingly, despite the various dirtytricks some of them gotten up to, most of them do. I defineideals as moral goals?to get better education for kids,... continued

He’s Blind but Still Sees Aliens

October 8, 2004
In another of our series of newCommunionLetters, we hear fromFrank,who writes: "On July 28th at 2 a.m., they came. I heard mybasset hound begin to whine. She was cut off in mid stream.I was lying in my bed, and everyone... continued

Returning the Trash

October 7, 2004
Litter is becoming an international problem. A Brazilianphotographer looks for trash that has washed up on the beachnear his home. When he identifies what country it came from,he returns it to that country?s embassy in Brazil. Fabio Barreto, who runs... continued

Bee Shortage Leads to Food Shortage

October 7, 2004
The number of domesticated honeybees in the U.S. hasdeclined by about 50%. Unless this changes, many fruits andvegetables may disappear from the food supply. John Roach writes in National Geographic News that beepollination is responsible for 15 to 30% of... continued