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A Superbug Escapes
October 6, 2004Superbugs?bacteria that have become resistant to allantibiotics?are usually found in hospitals, where lots ofantibiotics are used and bugs eventually evolve that cannotbe killed by the drugs. This means you can be sicker comingout of the hospital than you were going... continued
Astronaut Cooper Dies?Believed in UFOs
October 5, 2004Astronaut Gordon Cooper died on Monday, Oct. 4 at the age of77. Cooper was one of the few astronauts to speak openlyabout his belief in a UFO coverup. He said, "For many yearsI have lived with a secret, in a... continued
UFOs Worldwide
October 5, 2004People in a Wisconsin town had two weeks of steady UFOsightings recently, some of them accompanied by what lookedlike fighter jets. A team of space scientists in India saw astrange-looking craft. And a small town in England has beendeclared a... continued
Doctors Can Predict Earthquakes
October 5, 2004It's known that many animals become restless and noisybefore earthquakes. But medical doctors have begun torealize that people can predict earthquakes as well. After the Spitak (Armenia) earthquake in 1989, which killed25,000 people, a survey found that the number of... continued
Tribute to John Mack
October 5, 2004If you look at the top masthead on our homepage, you'll seeour website artist Dana Augustine's tribute to UFOresearcher John Mack, who died in a car accident last week.Click on the image for a larger view. To see all of... continued
Giant Dogs Once Roamed the Earth
October 4, 2004There were giant dogs roaming North America 50 millionyears, but they got killed off by the changing climate. Theywere bigger than today's wolves and had gigantic teeth thatcould crush bones. In fact, the diversity of all largemammals on Earth plummeted... continued
Mysterious Moon Lights
October 4, 2004There's a moon mystery that's been visible from Earth for500 years?and astronomers still haven't figured it out. Mark Pilkington writes in The Guardian that in 1540, beforethe first telescope was invented, stargazers in the Germancity of Worms saw a star-like... continued
Toxic Algae Near Seattle
October 4, 2004An unusually large bloom of toxic algae, which could poisonboth humans and shellfish, has been detected in the oceanoff the northwest coast of Washington state. OceanographerVera Trainer says,"The levels of toxin are the highest we've ever seen."Shellfish tainted by the... continued
My Brain Was Changed by a Visitor
October 4, 2004Geminiwrites, in one of our newCommunionLetters: I had an encounter in 1973 while lying in bedreading a Batman comic. My reading lamp suddenly went out,and when I tried to get up to check it, I wound up in atrance, and... continued
USGS Warns: Major Mt. St. Helens Eruption ‘Imminent’
October 3, 2004US Geological Survey volcanologists raised the alert levelat Mt. St. Helen's to the highest possible and warned that amajor eruption appeared to be "imminent." The tremor this morning lasted 25 minutes, and is anindication that the volcano is moving toward... continued