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My Brain Was Changed by a Visitor
October 4, 2004Geminiwrites, in one of our newCommunionLetters: I had an encounter in 1973 while lying in bedreading a Batman comic. My reading lamp suddenly went out,and when I tried to get up to check it, I wound up in atrance, and... continued
Giant Dogs Once Roamed the Earth
October 4, 2004There were giant dogs roaming North America 50 millionyears, but they got killed off by the changing climate. Theywere bigger than today's wolves and had gigantic teeth thatcould crush bones. In fact, the diversity of all largemammals on Earth plummeted... continued
USGS Warns: Major Mt. St. Helens Eruption ‘Imminent’
October 3, 2004US Geological Survey volcanologists raised the alert levelat Mt. St. Helen's to the highest possible and warned that amajor eruption appeared to be "imminent." The tremor this morning lasted 25 minutes, and is anindication that the volcano is moving toward... continued
Intense UFO Activity in Midwest, Canada
October 2, 2004Strange beams of light are being observed in the midwest andCanada. Pictured here is an image of one taken by Bill Davidof Peace River, Alberta, Canada, on June 6. Some observershave seen a possible faint outline of a figure in... continued
Earth Hum
October 1, 2004We've brought you many news stories about towns all over theworld where some people are being made ill by a mysteriouslow humming sound. Now it turns out that the Earth itself ishumming?could this be what they're hearing? Jenny Hogan writes... continued
Crop Circle Produces Strange Effects
October 1, 2004A crop circle that has appeared in a field in Canada has astrange effect on people who stand at the center of it. Anelderly lady "?walked into the circle and said her feet felthot," says researcher Beata Van Berkom. "Some... continued
Serious Search for the Yeti
October 1, 2004Two amateur explorers want to prove the existence of theIndonesia?s Yeti by capturing one on film. Three years ago,they found a footprint and hairs which were analyzed byscientists and found not to belong to any known species. David Green writes... continued
Deadly Disease in Jacuzzis
September 30, 2004Here's the latest antidote to having fun: one-quarter of allJacuzzis are breeding grounds for deadly Legionnaire'sDisease. Andy Coghlan writes in New Scientist that Jacuzzis are riskybecause the hot, swirling waters generate aerosols whichcarry bacteria into the lungs. Jacuzzis are tricky... continued
How Birds Get Around
September 30, 2004Now that the magnetic pole reversal is in progress, somebirds are having trouble migrating and are ending up in thewrong places. They're also leaving at the wrong time,because global warming is giving them false signals. It'sbecome important for scientists to... continued
John Mack’s Last Editorial
September 30, 2004Unknowncountry.com does not publish political material, butwe are publishing this, John Mack's last statement, out ofour great respect for a lost leader of the community ofclose encounter witnesses. Thiseditorialwas written for the Boston Globe, which has not yetpublished it. NOTE:... continued