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Why China is Watching Day After Tomorrow
September 28, 2004It was recently announced that Chinese officials haveadvised all climate scientists to view the Day AfterTomorrow film, inspired byTheComing Global Superstorm by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber.Now we'velearned why: China's glaciers are melting so quickly due toglobal warming that they... continued
Dr. John Mack Killed
September 28, 2004Harvard professor and psychiatrist John Mack was hit by acar and killed in London on Monday night, September 27.After meeting UFO researcher Budd Hopkins in Cape Cod, whereboth of them spent the summers, Mack became intrigued bypeople who claimed to... continued
Whitley Remembers John Mack
September 28, 2004In his latestJournal, Whitleysays goodbye to John Mack: "He was truly a man of courage,who put his reputation, his career and his livelihood on theline forthe most scorned and derided group of people in the world:the close encounter witnesses? He... continued
Preschool Prevents Cancer
September 28, 2004Children who attend day care or nursery school for at leastone year before going to kindergarten are 36% less likely todevelop a cancer known as Hodgkin's lymphoma as youngadults. This may be because they develop stronger immunesystems from being exposed... continued
Bird Flu Passed by Humans
September 27, 2004Health experts have been dreading the day when the Asianbird flu virus mutates, allowing it to be spread from personto person, and not just between poultry and people. Now theWorld Health Organization says it suspects "human-to-humantransmission" of bird flu occurred... continued
Stay Young & Healthy?Gamble
September 27, 2004A Yale University study shows that older gamblers arehealthier than non-gamblers of the same age. They have lowerrates of alcoholism, depression and yes, even bankruptcy. Diane Scarponi quotes epidemiologist Rani Desai as saying,"There's this whole concept of healthy aging?that folks... continued
A Neon Orange UFO
September 27, 2004Benwrites in our latestCommunionLetter: I'm a college student in upstate New York who hadan experience with a UFO when I was 10...I saw a neon orangeoval craft rise up. It moved at lightning speed until it washovering 3 to 4... continued
USGS ‘Notice of Volcanic Unrest’ for Mt. St. Helens
September 26, 2004At 3:00PM PDT on September 26 the US Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory issued a Notice of VolcanicUnrest for Mt. St. Helens. This advisory was issued becauseof pattern of earthquakes that are consistent with movementof magma within the volcano. A... continued
911 Dogs are OK?But What About People?
September 24, 2004During the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11,2001, up to 400,000 New Yorkers breathed in air from thetoxic cloud caused by the buildings collapse. A U.S.government study shows there was a cover up of the truehealth toll... continued
Jeanne Hits Fla on Same Track as Frances
September 24, 2004As of 10PM EDT, Hurricane Jeanne slammed ashore just southof Fort Pierce Florida as a Category 3 storm, onapproximately the same path as Frances, which struck thearea three weeks ago. However, Jeanne is a much strongerstorm than Frances and three... continued