Earthquakes Swarming on Cal-Nev Border

September 20, 2004
Microquakes continued to swarm in a remote area along theNevada-California border on Sunday, September 19. As of9:00PM Pacific Daylight Time, over three hundred microquakeshad been recorded in the area. The quakes are taking place along a fault line that is... continued

Sexual Time Bomb in China

September 20, 2004
After the Chinese began to enforce a one-child-only policy,in an attempt to stem overpopulation, Chinese parents begancommitting "gendercide" by abandoning or aborting theirdaughters. Family planner Gu Baochang calls it "the largest,the highest, and the longest" gender imbalance in the world.This... continued

Building an Ark in Space

September 20, 2004
The European Space Agency wants to build a Noah's Ark on theMoon, in case the Earth is destroyed by an asteroid ornuclear holocaust. It could also save species destroyed byglobal warming. In, Pallab Ghosh quotes the ESA?s Dr. BernardFoing... continued

Whitley on Coast to Coast Saturday

September 18, 2004
On Saturday, September 18, Whitley Srieber will appear onCoast to Coast AM with Art Bell. He'll be talking abouthurricanes, the Mystery Signal and more! Tune into yourlocal Clear Channel station at 10 pm Pacific. NOTE: This news story, previously published... continued

Civil War Coming in Iraq

September 17, 2004
We've written before that the problem with Iraq is that itis really threedifferent countries. The recent Shi'ite and Sunniinsurgencies make this clear. Now a report by the RoyalInstitute of International Affairs says there will be civilwar in Iraq when the... continued

Why Bloodletting Was Done

September 17, 2004
From the Middle Ages to the 19th century, bloodletting?bycutting or using leeches?was one of the major "cures" usedby doctors. It was abandoned in the mid-20th century afterantibiotics were invented. It seems primitive and dangerousto us today, but scientists have found... continued

Mystery Signal

September 17, 2004
Ham radio operators across the western U.S. and Canada havebeen picking up a mysterious signal. It doesn't come fromspace, but from an area near Sedona, Arizona. To hear thesignal yourself, click "Dreamland" on our masthead andscroll down to "Mystery Signal."... continued

War Between Brothers

September 16, 2004
According to DNA studies, Jews are the genetic brothers ofPalestinians. Geneticist Harry Ostrer says, "Jews and Arabsare all really children of Abraham. And all have preservedtheir Middle Eastern genetic roots over 4,000 years." The researchers analyzed the Y chromosome, which... continued

Loud Music Hurts Your Lungs

September 16, 2004
If you love loud music, watch out: it can cause your lungsto collapse. Doctors have discovered several cases where fans of loudmusic had their lungs collapse. One man was listening to aloud "boom box" radio while driving his car, when... continued

When Anti-Terrorism Goes Too Far

September 16, 2004
When Thomas Butler noticed vials of plague bacteria weremissing from his Texas Tech University lab, he informed theFBI?and was put in jail for doing it. "I've sat down withTom's children," says his attorney Jonathan Turley. "I'vetried to explain what has... continued