Like Father, Like Son

September 14, 2004
After reading manyCommunionLetters, we've discovered that the visitor experience runsin families.Xavierwrites about the time he discovered that his father once hadstrange experiences too. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

What Warming Will Do to Us

September 14, 2004
While climate change kills off many species, scientists havefound evidence that it brings genetic changes to others?andthose are the ones that stay healthiest. Can humans use thisinformation to make it through the upcoming climate changes? Biologist Elizabeth A. Hadly studied... continued

Changes All Around Us

September 13, 2004
We've recently posted stories about birds and butterfliesmissing from their usual haunts and sometimes turning up instrange places. This could be due to global warming or tothe pole shift now in progress, which will affect migratoryanimals. We've also posted a... continued

David Was in Terrible Shape

September 13, 2004
Michelangelo's famous statue of David, which is supposed torepresent male physical perfection, actually reveals he's inpoor health. Pilates expert Alan Herdman says, "Michelangelo may havebeen an artistic genius but he clearly knew far less than wedo today about posture and... continued

Boat Could Blow Any Time

September 13, 2004
A battleship that sank into the Thames river near Londonduring World War II contains unexploded bombs that couldblow up at any time. Mick Hamer writes in New Scientist that the RichardMontgomery, a U.S. cargo ship, has been underwater in thequiet,... continued

Living Near Radio Towers & Gas Stations

September 13, 2004
Scientists have been worried that cell phonetowers?especially the new high-powered towers that supporthigh tech phones?emit radio waves that can lead to cancer.Now Korean scientists have found that people living inregions near AM radio broadcasting towers are 70% morelikely to get... continued

Back Pain?Not What You Think

September 9, 2004
Avoiding exercise because of lower back pain? Scientists nowsay that lack of activity, such as sitting in front of yourcomputer or TV, deactivates the muscles that support yourspine, causing the pain in the first place. Emma Young reports in New... continued

All You Need is a Meteorite

September 9, 2004
Astronomers have long thought that life moves through thesolar system on the backs of meteorites, meaning that lifeon Earth was "seeded" from another planet. New researchshows that it's not necessary for the actual microbes totravel through space. The fact that... continued

Have We Reached the Tipping Point?

September 9, 2004
There may be "tipping points" on Earth. When these change,the entire climate begins to alter and this change may beirreversible. Researchers think there are 12 "hotspots" which regulate theEarth's environment. If one of these is subjected to stress,it could trigger... continued

Listen to the Final Path

September 9, 2004
If you're following the summer of The Path, you won't wantto miss Whitley's finalPathtalk, which just been posted on our website. Anyone canlisten by clicking "Dreamland" on our masthead and scrollingdown to the bottom to "Path V." In case you... continued