Panda Porn Results

September 9, 2004
Pandas are becoming endangered even in zoos, because it'shard to get them interested in sex. A Chinese zoo showedfemale panda Hua Meipanda porn inorder to get her interested in mating--and it worked. Shejust gave birth to twins. Li Wei, of... continued

Your Hair Reveals Your Secrets

September 9, 2004
?Or at least where you've been. Researchers have now learnedthat they can track criminals and terrorists by analyzing asingle hair. Anna Gosline writes in New Scientist that researchersmeasure the ratios of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in thehair. These isotopes, absorbed... continued

Animals Acting Strangely

September 9, 2004
We've written recently about animals that are missing orturning up in the wrong places due to global warming and thepole shift. A recent "bug splat" test in the U.K. found manyfewer insects that expected. And all over the world,scientists are... continued

Mystery Cloud

September 8, 2004
People living in the eastern part of the U.S. and Canada sawwho went outside at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, August 31, saw astrange, bright, silvery cloud of light that suddenlyappeared. It lasted for about half an hour, then graduallyfaded. It... continued

Mystery Booms

September 8, 2004
Mysterious booms have been reported before inCalifornia,and now a serious of loud booming noises is shaking housesin Indiana. In Fort Wayne, Justin Brugger says, "It's a quick, solid,boom-type noise. One lady described it as a tremor." Itfirst started happening about... continued

More Hurricanes to Come

September 8, 2004
Ivan is on its way towards Florida, but this probably won'tbe the last major storm to hit the U.S. this year. NASAmeteorologist Marshall Shepherd says, "Over the past fewyears, we've seen an increasing trend toward greateractivity in the Atlantic Basin... continued

The Haunted Wine Box: A Real Chiller

September 7, 2004
On Saturday, September 11, Dreamland presents an interview with the seller AND the buyer of the Haunted Wine Box, which was sold last Febuary in one of the most-watched auctions in Ebay history. PLUS, for our subscribers, find out what... continued

Mysterious Fires in Africa

September 6, 2004
We have been following the saga of themysteriousfires that have broken out spontaneously in Sicily?amystery that has never been solved. Now it turns out thatthis has been happening in Africa as well. Oswald Shivute writes in The Namibian that churches... continued

Earthquakes Coming?But When?

September 6, 2004
UCLA earthquake expert Vladimir Keilis-Borok predicted amajor quake in southern California last weekend?but itdidn't come. And global warming is causing rapidly meltingglaciers in Alaska, paving the way for future quakes. In January, Keilis-Borok predicted there was a 50-50 chanceof a... continued

Triangle UFOs?The Question Continues

September 6, 2004
The question about whethertriangle-shapedUFOs are alien craft or secret government planes continues.These triangles, often flashing brightly-colored lights, areoften seen flying over highly populated areas, and they'vebeen spotted all over the world. If they're secret militarycraft, why aren't they trying to... continued