Earthquakes Coming?But When?

September 6, 2004
UCLA earthquake expert Vladimir Keilis-Borok predicted amajor quake in southern California last weekend?but itdidn't come. And global warming is causing rapidly meltingglaciers in Alaska, paving the way for future quakes. In January, Keilis-Borok predicted there was a 50-50 chanceof a... continued

Triangle UFOs?The Question Continues

September 6, 2004
The question about whethertriangle-shapedUFOs are alien craft or secret government planes continues.These triangles, often flashing brightly-colored lights, areoften seen flying over highly populated areas, and they'vebeen spotted all over the world. If they're secret militarycraft, why aren't they trying to... continued

A Second Vast Disaster Strikes Florida

September 5, 2004
Hurricane Frances has left a hundred thousand Floridianshomeless and four million without power, and is nowthreatening to move out into the Gulf of Mexico where itcould regain strength. Coming on the heels of the damage from Charley, the damagecaused by... continued

The Die is Cast

September 5, 2004
In his newInsight,Whitley Strieber writes: "We have entered unchartedterritory, and things are not going to get better. In fact,the planet will, over the next ten or so years, becomeunable to support as many people as it does now. A diebackof... continued

Frances Slams Florida

September 4, 2004
As of midnight EDT, Unknowncountry correspondents in Floridawere describing Hurricane Frances as "relentless" and "hammeringus." One reader wrote, "why won't it move, it's like a curse?" While wind speeds were not catastrophic, the slow movementof the storm means that structures... continued

Another Giant Hurricane Aims at Florida

September 2, 2004
Governor Jeb Bush of Florida declared a state of emergencyand ordered the evacuation of half a million people asHurricane Frances gathered strength and aimed at the state'ssoutheast coast. Like Charley, Frances has suddenly begun togain strength. It is a Category... continued

Leaves are Turning Early

September 2, 2004
Global warming is changing the weather, but to say it'sgetting warmer (or colder) is too simple. Birds and insectsthat are sensitive to subtle alterations in the climatereveal these changes by moving to new areas. Now botanistsare noticing another change: leaves... continued

SETI Backtracks on Signal

September 2, 2004
A report appeared Thursday in the prestigious weeklymagazine of science, the New Scientist, suggesting that asignal acquired by the SETI project in February might beworth examining for possible intelligent origin. This reportis now being described by some SETI scientists as... continued

A New World is Coming

September 2, 2004
In his new journal,Whitley writes: "It's such an eerie time right now. Theweather is changing radically before our eyes, with sixteentyphoons in the Pacific this year and powerful hurricanesstill forming, with extraordinary environmental changes thatsuggest that the planet's natural system... continued

Am I Destined for Something Special?

September 2, 2004
Willwrites in one of our newCommunionLetters about a problem many of the people reading this mayhave had. He says: Last night, after reading in bed, I wentto sleep and had a horrible nightmare. I was dreaming ofvisitors. I thought they... continued