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UFOs Seen in Ohio & England
September 2, 2004Ohio UFO investigator Kenny Young reports that a UFO inLancaster, Ohio was seen by three witnesses early in theevening. And in the U.K., a skeptic encountered a UFO upclose while driving on the highway at 2 a.m. One of the... continued
An Introduction to William Henry
September 1, 2004For those of you who have not yet read the extraordinarybooks of William Henry, we offer a chance to discover thiswonderful writer at a special low price. His book "City ofPeace" is now available for only $12.95 (marked down from$19.95),... continued
Drinking Drugs With Our Water
September 1, 2004We've written before about how prescription drugs aregetting into water supplies. It's recently been discoveredthat water in London is tainted with Prozac. How well do ourwater treatment plants get rid of these drugs? Wastewater treatment plants that use a combination... continued
Did Mozart Have Tourette’s?
September 1, 2004In the film "Amadeus," actor Tom Hulce played Mozart as atwitchy character who was sometimes out of control. Now a TVdocumentary in the U.K. suggests that Mozart had theobsessive compulsive disorder called Tourette's syndrome. British composer James McConnel, who also... continued
A Good Home to Grow Up In
September 1, 2004If you want your child's lungs and brain to develop in theright way, your home must be quiet, peaceful?and not tooclean. Researchers Stephen Petrill and Robert Plomin collected theresults of intelligence tests on children and found thatgrowing up in a... continued
Lost Tomb Found?But We’ll Never See It
August 31, 2004The mummy of King Cheops (also known as Khufu) is supposedto be inside the Great Pyramid, but it's never been foundand it's been assumed it was stolen by grave robbers, alongwith the gold and jewels entombed with it. But now,... continued
Path IV Now Available
August 31, 2004Those of you who are following the summer of ThePath will be glad to know that Whitley's new Path talk hasjust been posted on our website. Anyone can listen byclicking "Dreamland" on our masthead and scrolling down tothe bottom. In... continued
U.S. Government Finally Faces Facts
August 31, 2004A new government report calledOurChanging Planet says people are responsible for the globalwarming of the past 30 years. This idea has long beenaccepted by scientists, but has been resisted by bigbusiness interests in the White House who don't want toforce... continued
Canada Crop Circles Getting Complex
August 31, 2004Crop Circle Research of Canada is beginning to report thekind of complex circles that used to be seen only in theU.K. In Canada, these formations started out as simplecircles and have advanced in complexity every year. One ofthese formations had... continued
Fewer Lobsters, Except in Maine
August 31, 2004Butterfliesand birds aremissing from some areas and turning up in others?and now thesame thing is happening with lobsters. There are fewerlobsters than there used to be everywhere along the EastCoast except Maine, where there are more lobsters than everbefore. Scientists... continued