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It’s Official: Life Likely on Mars
August 30, 2004Methane has been discovered on Mars, meaning life must bethere as well.Linda Howe wasone of the first journalists to report this news, on ourJune 12 Dreamland show. Now it's official: the Mars Express,the European Space Agency probe which is orbiting... continued
Making Plans for a Killer Flu
August 30, 2004A killer strain of flu, like the kind that wiped outmillions of people in 1918, hasn't struck again yet, butscientists are already planning for it. Health experts saywe may have to close schools, restrict travel and rationmedicine if a powerful... continued
Path IV Available Next Week
August 28, 2004Those of you who are following the summer of ThePath will be glad to know that Whitley's new Path talk willbe posted on our website tomorrow for subscribers.Non-subscribers can listen starting Tuesday byclicking "Dreamland" on our masthead and scrolling down... continued
The Mystery of the Elmendorf Beast
August 28, 2004There's a genuine cryptozoological mystery deep in the heartof Texas. A rancher in Elmendorf, Texas, shot a strangeanimal that ate 35 of his chickens in a single day.Scientists who have examined the creature's body have notbeen able to identify it.... continued
More Butterflies are Missing–UPDATE
August 27, 2004We're beginning to notice that there arefewerbutterflies around this year. People who monitor Monarchbutterflies in Minnesota blame it on less milkweed, which isthe butterflies' favorite food and the only place they laytheir eggs, but they don't know why there's less... continued
Asymmetrical Aggression
August 27, 2004Don't pick a fight with someone who has ears, fingers orfeet of different sizes or shapes, because they're morelikely to react aggressively. Scientists think that earlystress in the womb from things such as a mother's smoking ordrinking can cause these... continued
Another Cause for Mad Cow?
August 27, 2004English farmer Mark Purdey says that Mad Cow Disease isreally Manganese Madness. Purdey notes that feeding cattle the meat and bone meal fromother cows was banned in Britain in 1988, but despite thisfact, 40,000 cattle born there after the ban... continued
Will Terrorists Strike the Internet Today?
August 26, 2004A Russian newspaper reports that terrorists will paralyzethe internet on August 26th, according to Russian antivirusexperts. Aleksandr Gostev says he got the information from certainwebsites, but he wouldn't say which ones. He says they'll betargeting the U.S. and Western Europe.... continued
Two Triangle UFOs–UPDATE
August 26, 2004Two triangle-shaped light formations were caught on videoover Melbourne, Australia on August 23rd. Local air trafficcontrollers reported no aircraft in the area and the UFOsdid not show up on radar. According to Phenomena Research Australia, Mark and JanineBlease, who took... continued
Our Shelves are Almost Bare
August 26, 2004We have only one copy left of many of the books on our newsale and more of them sell out every day.To find out which books are still available, keep reading so you can order them before they disappear fromour... continued