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New Journal & Coral Castle Photos
August 21, 2004In his new journal,Whitley writes about a possible war between Iran and Israel,now that Iran may have a nuclear bomb. He says a widerMideast war is on the way, and we are not going to see itcoming, because we have... continued
Coral Castle Mystery–Solved?
August 21, 2004George Naruns is of Latvian background and speaks fluentLatvian. He is also in business in Latvia and the UnitedStates, and has has a 25 year fascination with EdLeedskalnin's mysterious CoralCastle in Flordia. George believes that a Latvian man, John Leedskalnin... continued
Our Sale Books are Going Fast
August 20, 2004...And our shelves are getting cleaner every day. We'vealready sold out of one item and many more are about todisappear from our store forever--so act now to get thosebooks you've always wanted to read at a discount price! Keepreading to... continued
Butterflies are Missing
August 20, 2004One of the first signs of global warming is missingbirds andinsects. As the weather changes, they're turning up in newplaces and missing from their old haunts. Since some birdsand butterflies migrate annually, they may also be confusedby the pole shift,... continued
Nip & Tuck for Dogs
August 20, 2004In Brazil, dogs are undergoing plastic surgery. Dr. EdgardBrito, who gives them wrinkle-reductions with Botoxinjections, as well as full facelifts, says, "Why shouldn'ta dog be beautiful?" But just as we don't want artificially-enhanced athletescompeting in the Olympics, dog shows don't... continued
Big Wave May Not Come All at Once
August 20, 2004We recently wrote about abig wave thatwill inevitably drown the East Coast of the U.S.?but nobodyknows when it will come. This will happen when a collapsingvolcano in the Canary Islands finally drops into the sea.But now oceanographer Russell Wynn says,... continued
How to Have a Boy
August 19, 2004Women are more likely to give birth to a boy if they're inan environment that will allow them to live to an old age,because healthy women have more testosterone, which promotesthe survival of the male fetus. But women who only... continued
Ghost or Lens Spot?
August 19, 2004A new $75,000 security system installed in the Kent County,Maryland courthouse caught images of a strange light"walking" in one stairwell. Security officer Phillip Pricesays, "It didn't show up to the eye, but it showed up ontape." But it may be... continued
New Evidence Backs Up Superstorm
August 19, 2004One of the major criticisms of the film "The Day AfterTomorrow," inspired by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell's book"The Coming Global Superstorm," was that climate changetakes place slowly, not suddenly, as it did in the movie.However, Whitley's research uncovered facts... continued
What’s REALLY Happening in Florida
August 19, 2004We are receiving a lot of alternate news from Florida thattells a very much different story from the one appearing inthe general media. We have not fact checked these stories,but they are coming in a wave of pain and despair,... continued