Our Shelves are Almost Bare

August 26, 2004
We have only one copy left of many of the books on our newsale and more of them sell out every day.To find out which books are still available, keep reading so you can order them before they disappear fromour... continued

A Final Glass of Wine

August 25, 2004
We may soon say good-bye to wines from Italy and France,since those regions are becoming too warm to grow grapes.But it won't be the end of wine?we'll be drinking GermanChianti and English Champagne instead. Climatologist Gregory Jones says, "We estimate... continued

Pollution Good?

August 25, 2004
One scientist says that the real amount of global warming isbeing masked by air pollution, and if pollution is reduced,the Earth will heat up more quickly. Another scientistclaims acid rain is good, because it slows down globalwarming. Researcher Meinrat Andreae... continued

Psychic Healing Works

August 25, 2004
Scientists have proved that psychic healing works by havinga healer from India direct healing energy towards seeds in apetri dish. The seeds that received the healer's attentiongrew faster than those in a control group. And when healersdirected energy towards cultured... continued

A Film Just for Subscribers

August 25, 2004
A beautiful short Quicktime film, the Art of Dana Augustine,is available to Unknowncountry.com subscribers. Be sure toindulge yourself in a few minutes of pleasure watching thisbeautiful film that will bring back memories of many greatDreamland mastheads, as well as Dana's... continued

911 Film Shows Startling Scenario

August 24, 2004
"911 in Plane Site," a film by Dave VonKleist and WilliamLewis, is being screened at various theaters. It showsactual network footage taken during the September 11 crashesinto the Pentagon and World Trade Center, but it's sloweddown in order to reveal... continued

Wacky Weather Continues Worldwide

August 24, 2004
Violent storms in the ocean off the U.K. and Ireland areripping off huge chunks of cliffs and hurling the rocks longdistances inland?distances scientists didn't think werepossible. And a tornado has been seen at 12,000 feet inSequoia National Park in the... continued

Money Really Doesn’t Buy Happiness

August 24, 2004
It may not seem like it to us, but research shows that moneydoesn't buy happiness. Another ongoing controversy iswhether it?s hard on children when their mothers work.Scientists have found this is true?but only for wealthywomen! On a scale of 1... continued

Saved from the Dinosaur’s Fate

August 23, 2004
A meteorite impact helped wipe out the dinosaurs 65 millionyears ago. Now satellites have discovered that anotherimpact the same size hit the Earth more recently, whenhumans were alive. It didn't end our species because it hitduring an ice age and... continued

The Dead Zones

August 23, 2004
Researchers are searching the ocean forDeadZones?areas with extremely low levels of oxygen that cannotsustain life. Last summer, a huge Dead Zone settled in onthe coast of Oregon, causing fish and crustaceans to die. Itdisappeared in the fall, but now it's... continued