How to Have a Boy

August 19, 2004
Women are more likely to give birth to a boy if they're inan environment that will allow them to live to an old age,because healthy women have more testosterone, which promotesthe survival of the male fetus. But women who only... continued

Ghost or Lens Spot?

August 19, 2004
A new $75,000 security system installed in the Kent County,Maryland courthouse caught images of a strange light"walking" in one stairwell. Security officer Phillip Pricesays, "It didn't show up to the eye, but it showed up ontape." But it may be... continued

New Evidence Backs Up Superstorm

August 19, 2004
One of the major criticisms of the film "The Day AfterTomorrow," inspired by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell's book"The Coming Global Superstorm," was that climate changetakes place slowly, not suddenly, as it did in the movie.However, Whitley's research uncovered facts... continued

My Father Was an Alien

August 18, 2004
In our latest edition of the newCommunionLetters, we hear fromCindi,who writes: My grandmother told my mother when she wasyoung that her father was a "space man." This was in the1940's. My mother told me that she's been visited severaltimes and... continued

John the Baptist Site Found

August 18, 2004
Archeologists have discovered a cave in Israel with 28 stepsleading down to an underground pool of water where theythink John the Baptist baptized many of the disciples.Shimon Gibson says, "John the Baptist, who was just a figurefrom the Gospels, now... continued

How Voting Machines Can Fail

August 18, 2004
Sequoia Voting Systems say their touch-screen machinesprovide "nothing less than 100% accuracy." But when theydemonstrated their new paper-trail electronic votingmachines for the California state senate, they found themachines failed to record votes from testers usingSpanish-language ballots. These omissions wouldn?t have... continued

Why Gas Prices are at Record High

August 18, 2004
Oil is trading for between $47 and $44 a barrel, and someexperts think it will reach $50 in the near future. Thecauses are Iraq, Russia and hurricane Charley. An attack on an Iraqi oil well, and the fact that oil... continued

What’s in a Name?

August 17, 2004
Would changing your name change the way people think aboutyou? Linguist Amy Perfors put photos with fake names on a"Hot or Not" website and found that some names wereconsidered "hot"?while others definitely were not. In case you've ever thought changing... continued

Sex Before Sports: Good or Bad?

August 17, 2004
Should Olympic, and other, athletes have sex before theircompetitions? Many coaches have banned it, saying it sapsathletes' energy, but not everyone agrees. Baseball managerCasey Stengel said, "Being with a woman all night never hurtno professional baseball player. It's staying up... continued


August 17, 2004
A giant 62-mile-long colony of ants from Argentina hasinvaded Melbourne, Australia. In their native country, theyform smaller groups, but in Australia, they've merged intoone huge super colony, killing off native insects. Biologist Elissa Suhr says, "In Argentina, their nativehomeland, ant... continued