What’s in a Name?

August 17, 2004
Would changing your name change the way people think aboutyou? Linguist Amy Perfors put photos with fake names on a"Hot or Not" website and found that some names wereconsidered "hot"?while others definitely were not. In case you've ever thought changing... continued

Sex Before Sports: Good or Bad?

August 17, 2004
Should Olympic, and other, athletes have sex before theircompetitions? Many coaches have banned it, saying it sapsathletes' energy, but not everyone agrees. Baseball managerCasey Stengel said, "Being with a woman all night never hurtno professional baseball player. It's staying up... continued


August 17, 2004
A giant 62-mile-long colony of ants from Argentina hasinvaded Melbourne, Australia. In their native country, theyform smaller groups, but in Australia, they've merged intoone huge super colony, killing off native insects. Biologist Elissa Suhr says, "In Argentina, their nativehomeland, ant... continued

Is Osama Dying?

August 16, 2004
Despite speculation that Osama bin-Laden may already bedead, recent tapes and videos have convinced intelligenceservices that he's still alive. Since we now know why he'shiding (in an inaccessible mountainous area on the border ofAfghanistan and Pakistan), why don't we just... continued

Crop Circle Warns of World’s End

August 16, 2004
A new U.K. crop circle near Silbury Hill, which appearedduring two nights in August, features symbols from theancient Mayan civilization that predicted the end of theworld in 2012. In bbcnews.com, Neil Leighton quotes crop circle researcherFrancine Blake as saying, "[In... continued

Alien DNA

August 16, 2004
According to Australian researcher Paul Davies, we won'tfind evidence of aliens by searching the skies?we'll find itin our own DNA. He says this coded message will only bediscovered once we have the technology to read andunderstand it. Davies thinks it's... continued

The Real Wonderland

August 16, 2004
In our newInsight,Richard Dolan writes: Unless you consciously look for suchnews, you would never know that UFOs continue to be seen bypeople every day, around the world. The difference betweenthe reality of the phenomena, and how it is ignored, remindsme... continued

Free Crop Circle Calendar

August 13, 2004
Lucy Pringle's new2005crop circle calendars will arrive in our store any day now.While supplies last, you will receive a FREE 2004 calendarwith every order of the 2005 calendar, so you can gaze atbeautiful crop circles every day for the rest... continued

Crowds View Polish Circles

August 13, 2004
We hear about crop circles in the U.K. every season, andabout circles that turn up in Canada and the U.S. as well.Now we've learned that there are so many crop circlesWylatowo, Poland that they're asking the European Union for$126 million... continued

No More Slackers

August 13, 2004
Scientists have learned how to turn lazy monkeys into hardworkers?could they someday do the same to us? It's notlikely to happen in the U.K., because they have Prozac inthe drinking water. Employees in the U.S. already work harder and longer... continued