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The Real Wonderland
August 16, 2004In our newInsight,Richard Dolan writes: Unless you consciously look for suchnews, you would never know that UFOs continue to be seen bypeople every day, around the world. The difference betweenthe reality of the phenomena, and how it is ignored, remindsme... continued
Free Crop Circle Calendar
August 13, 2004Lucy Pringle's new2005crop circle calendars will arrive in our store any day now.While supplies last, you will receive a FREE 2004 calendarwith every order of the 2005 calendar, so you can gaze atbeautiful crop circles every day for the rest... continued
Crowds View Polish Circles
August 13, 2004We hear about crop circles in the U.K. every season, andabout circles that turn up in Canada and the U.S. as well.Now we've learned that there are so many crop circlesWylatowo, Poland that they're asking the European Union for$126 million... continued
No More Slackers
August 13, 2004Scientists have learned how to turn lazy monkeys into hardworkers?could they someday do the same to us? It's notlikely to happen in the U.K., because they have Prozac inthe drinking water. Employees in the U.S. already work harder and longer... continued
Russians May Have UFO
August 13, 2004In what has always been assumed to be a meteor crash in1908, 60 million trees in an 800-square-mile area of theisolated Tunguska forest in Siberia were flattened. Themysterious devastation wasn't discovered until many yearslater, and no traces of the meteorite... continued
Mad Cow Strikes the Young
August 12, 2004Young people seem to be more susceptible to the vCJD, thehuman version of Mad Cow Disease. Scientists don't know ifthis is because they eat more hamburgers. 142 people have died from Mad Cow Disease in the U.K. in thelast 9... continued
Big Wave Coming
August 12, 2004Tens of millions of people along the east coast of the U.S.and Canada may drown if a volcano off north Africa slidesinto the sea. Some time in the next few thousand years, theCumbre Vieja volcano on the Canary Island of... continued
Get Happy with Poetry & Pets
August 12, 2004Reading poetry is good for your health, just like prayingthe rosary or chanting. Cardiologist Francois Haas says, "Ifthere's a message, it's that our internal rhythms can bemodified by external stimuli." Randy Dotinga writes in abcnews.com that researchers studied20 healthy men... continued
New Book from William Henry
August 12, 2004William Henry traveled to Egypt and brought back new wisdom,which he's collected here in his brand newbook.It's filled with photographs and insights and, being WilliamYou've never experienced Egypt until you've seen itthrough William Henry's eyes! AND you get a free... continued
Those Fake Blue Pills
August 11, 2004Even if you're a woman, you've probably gotten a lot ofcomputer spam trying to sell you the male impotence drugViagra. But it turns out most of this Viagra is fake, andPfizer, the company that makes the drug, wants to dosomething... continued