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New Book from William Henry
August 12, 2004William Henry traveled to Egypt and brought back new wisdom,which he's collected here in his brand newbook.It's filled with photographs and insights and, being WilliamYou've never experienced Egypt until you've seen itthrough William Henry's eyes! AND you get a free... continued
Mad Cow Strikes the Young
August 12, 2004Young people seem to be more susceptible to the vCJD, thehuman version of Mad Cow Disease. Scientists don't know ifthis is because they eat more hamburgers. 142 people have died from Mad Cow Disease in the U.K. in thelast 9... continued
Those Fake Blue Pills
August 11, 2004Even if you're a woman, you've probably gotten a lot ofcomputer spam trying to sell you the male impotence drugViagra. But it turns out most of this Viagra is fake, andPfizer, the company that makes the drug, wants to dosomething... continued
Triangle UFOs?Theirs or Ours?
August 11, 2004A UFO researcher says he's receiving increasing sightingreports of triangle-shaped UFOs. Malcolm Robinson says, "Inthe U.K. we're getting an increase in triangular-shapedobjects the size of football fields which float majesticallyacross the sky. I've seen one myself..."The National Institute of DiscoverySciences... continued
Can We Ever Stop Using Oil?
August 11, 2004One way to avoid Middle Eastern conflict and pricevulnerability would be to wean ourselves from oil. But whatelse could we use?Coal ispolluting and would increase global warming. The mainproblem is our cars?no alternative fuel has been discoveredyet that works in... continued
THE KEY: Fact or Fiction?
August 11, 2004In our newInsight,Brian Gibson says about Whitley Strieber's bookTheKey: "Some will dismiss this encounter as a product of avivid imagination...I, on the other hand, believe thatStrieber did in fact experience the encounter. Whileacknowledging that some people require concrete orscientific evidence... continued
We May Never be Found
August 10, 2004Is the Earth unique in harboring intelligent life? Even ifanother civilization is trying to contact us, it will soonbe too late, according to SETI's Frank Drake, because TV isbeing delivered more and more by cable and satellites, whichdo not leak... continued
Secondhand Smoke Kills Pets
August 10, 2004Here's a new reason to quit: You're killing your pets. We'vereported here before that secondhand smoke cangive your catcancer. Now we've learned that a couple decided to stopsmoking because it was killing their parrot. Kevin Bartley and Sharon Wood quit... continued
Canada UFOs at All Time High
August 10, 2004Something strange is going on in Canada?people are seeingmore UFOs than ever before. Could this be because most people don't know where to reportthem in the U.S.? Just as many UFOs could be flying aroundhere, but we wouldn't know it.... continued
UFO Show Over a Missile Base
August 9, 2004In another in our new series ofCommunionLetters, we present the story ofCorbett,who writes: In 1984 I moved to Las Cruces, New Mexico, whichis near White Sands Missile range. I lived there for fouryears. Some of the research for President Reagan's... continued