Sun Can’t be Blamed for Global Warming

August 6, 2004
People who don't want to face having to clean up theenvironment like to blame global warming on the increasedsunspot activity. But researchers who have studied theincidence of sunspots since 850 AD have shown that whileglobal warming correlates with increased solar... continued

Ghost Hunting

August 5, 2004
More ghosts seem to be lurking in the U.K. than anywhereelse, perhaps because more ghost hunters are looking forthem there. Ghost hunter David Wharmby believes anyone cansee them and says, "Everybody is born with a psychicability. It's just up to... continued

The Pain Game

August 5, 2004
We'll hurt less if we direct our minds away from our bodiesand onto something else. A special distracting, "cooling"game was created for a little boy with extensive burns thattook his mind off the pain. Karen Lurie writes in that... continued

Another Noah’s Ark

August 5, 2004
A group of scientists are collecting the tissues ofendangered animals and freezing them, so they will be ableto create clones later on, if the animals become extinct. Zoologist Phil Rainbow says, "Natural catastrophes apart,the current rate of animal loss is... continued

Path III Available for Listeners

August 5, 2004
For those of you following the Summer of the Path, we have anew commentary from Whitley Strieber. To listen, click"Dreamland" on our masthead and scroll down. Parts I and IIare also available in the subscriber section. So get outyourtarotcards and... continued

Vermont Nessie Sighted

August 4, 2004
Lake Champlain in Vermont has its own "Nessie," called"Champ." Five tourists visiting the lake say they saw themonster. Bob Gload says, "I turned around and saw thatexplosion from the water. I saw three humps, two- tothree-feet tall, about four- or... continued

When Homing Pigeons Don’t Come Home

August 4, 2004
We recently speculated that 1,500homing pigeonsin Sweden that never returned home may have been confused bythe changing magnetic poles. But some people think they gotlost due to electronic signals from nearby cell phone towers. The Swedish homing pigeons aren't the... continued

GM Foods Dangerous? We Don’t Really Know

August 4, 2004
You may not realize it, but a large part of your diet is nowmade up of genetically-modified foods, especially if you eata lot of processed foods. The National Academy of Sciencesadmits that "sizeable gaps" still remain in their knowledgeof GM... continued

Too Tired to Exercise? Take a Pill

August 3, 2004
Your body isn't exhausted from that workout?it's your brainthat's tired. Scientists are trying to invent a pill thatwill give you all the benefits of exercise without actuallyhaving to do it. James Randerson writes in New Scientist that new evidenceshows that... continued

A Country is Lost

August 3, 2004
The Maldives will soon be lost underwater. This touristdestination is being drowned by the rising sea level andwill be uninhabitable in one hundred years. Its 360,000citizens will have to find another country to take them in. Nick Bryant writes in... continued