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Terrorists Easily Cross Border
August 2, 2004People who are worried about terrorists sneaking over theborder into the U.S. say they successfully brought a fakeweapon of mass destruction into the country. The group wantsto show how easy it is for terrorists to sneak deadlyweapons across the Mexican... continued
Saved by Plankton–But Can Plankton be Saved?
August 2, 2004We recently wrote that the ocean issaving us fromsome of the ravages of global warming by absorbing carbondioxide. Plankton, the tiny plants that float on the surfaceof the ocean, also have amazing powers: aside from providinghalf the Earth's oxygen and... continued
An Alien Diagnosis
August 2, 2004As part of our newCommunionLetters series,Corettawrites: Twelve years ago I woke up in the night to see threesmall, gray creatures standing to my right, near the foot ofmy bed. Though the room seemed filled with a misty, dimlight, I could... continued
Free Stargate DVD
July 30, 2004We're again giving away a free Stargate DVD with every orderof a book byWilliamHenry. This popular DVD is a recording of a lecture Williamgave and cannot be purchased?it's only available as agiveaway with every William Henry order. This offer is... continued
Express Yourself With Your Car
July 30, 2004Someday you may be able to buy a car that "smiles" or"frowns," meaning you'll no longer feel the need to makenasty gestures to other drivers. Sabra Chartrand writes in The New York Times that Toyota isdeveloping a car that can... continued
Blue Moon on Saturday
July 30, 2004What is a blue moon and is it really blue? We're going tohave one tomorrow so we'll be able to see for ourselves. A blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month.Usually months have only one full... continued
Alaska Volcano Ready to Blow
July 30, 2004As if Alaska wasn't having enough troubles due toglobalwarming, it now has a volcano threatening to erupt. MountSpurr, 80 miles from Anchorage, last erupted 12 years ago,and is now rumbling. Seismologist Jackie Caplan-Auerbachsays, "When we see an eruption, it commonly... continued
Seeing Red
July 29, 2004Women can see more different shades of red than men becausethe gene for seeing red is on the X chromosome. Women havetwo copies of this, while men have only one. Researchers analyzed the DNA of 236 people from around theworld... continued
If We Could Only Use Our Coal
July 29, 2004Western countries worry that the Middle East wars andterrorist threats mean there will be a shortage of oil inthe future. Both the U.S. and U.K. have plenty of coal, butburning it would cause heavy pollution as well as escalateglobal warming.... continued
Still More Mad Cow Madness
July 29, 2004Department of Agriculture inspectors say there are big gapsin the U.S. government's testing for Mad Cow Disease, but atop department official insists that additional cases of thedisease here won't have any impact on our health. In msnbc.com, Jon Bonn NOTE:... continued