New Seven Chakras Crop Circle

July 28, 2004
Another extraordinary crop circle has turned up in the U.K. Tosee images of it,clickhere and scroll down. The Crop Circle Connector is the onlyplace we know of where you can see so many beautiful imagesof every new circle that crops... continued

What is the New Asbestos?

July 28, 2004
Asbestos was once considered so safe that it was used notonly in buildings but even in water pipes. Now we know iteventually leads to a deadly cancer and deaths of peopleexposed to it keep climbing every year. Is there somethingthat... continued

Neanderthal Babytalk

July 28, 2004
One of a Neanderthal baby's first words was probably "papa,"according to linguists. They are interested in why over6,000 languages share so many sounds for the same words,especially words that are first spoken. Anna Gosline writes in New Scientist that Pierre... continued

Don’t Use Your Cell Phone in a Storm

July 28, 2004
Fifteen tourists in China were injured because one of theircell phones was struck by lightning while they were walkingon a section of the Great Wall. It acted as a lightning rod,injuring all of them. A hospital worker says of one... continued

Movies Put Us in the Mood

July 27, 2004
A typical date involves going to a movie, and this isn't abad idea, since scientists say watching a film can increasehormone levels?but to get the right hormones, you have topick the right movie. Some hormones make people aggressive, while others,... continued

Lefty From the Start

July 27, 2004
It's no use trying to change?new research shows you wereleft-handed when you were a 10-week-old fetus in yourmother's womb. Laura Spinney writes in New Scientist that the hand youfavor as a fetus is the hand you'll favor for the rest... continued

Where Will Malaria Strike Next?

July 27, 2004
It's bad enough worrying about West Nile Disease, but nowMalaria, another mosquito-borne disease, has already hitFlorida. Withglobal warming, will it arrive in the rest of the U.S. aswell? "Temperature is only one of many, many factors in malaria,and in many... continued

Path Meditation Works!

July 26, 2004
You can now click on "Dreamland" on our masthead and scrolldown to hear the secondPathmeditation. One listener has gotten feedback already! Lynnwrites: About a month ago I started doing this meditationwith sincerity and regularity, trying to do it daily?I gotmore... continued

I Used to Think UFO Believers Were Nuts

July 26, 2004
Melissawrote us a newCommunionLetter about an experience she remembers from 20 years ago.She writes: I had the experience of seeing 6 tall, very trimbeings marching in tight, two-by-two unison up the centralstaircase of my home. I was floating in the... continued

Born to be Bad? Mom Can Save You

July 26, 2004
Are some people "born to be bad?" Scientists say that certain people inherit DNA that gives them more aggression and lessserotonin (the hormone that makes us happy). But even if you're born with a bad gene, your mother can save... continued