I Used to Think UFO Believers Were Nuts

July 26, 2004
Melissawrote us a newCommunionLetter about an experience she remembers from 20 years ago.She writes: I had the experience of seeing 6 tall, very trimbeings marching in tight, two-by-two unison up the centralstaircase of my home. I was floating in the... continued

Born to be Bad? Mom Can Save You

July 26, 2004
Are some people "born to be bad?" Scientists say that certain people inherit DNA that gives them more aggression and lessserotonin (the hormone that makes us happy). But even if you're born with a bad gene, your mother can save... continued

Prayer Heals, But Doctors Don’t Know Why

July 26, 2004
Does prayer really help heal? Medical researchersinvestigated the role played by prayer in both physical andemotional healing. The results? Prayer can help, but only ifyou believe it can. Researcher Randall Fitzgeraldwrites in Phenomena Magazine that prayer studies in the pasthave... continued

More Birds Affected by Pole Shift

July 26, 2004
The gradual shift in the magnetic poles is affecting bird sall over the world. First we reported on the case of the missing pelicans inNorth Dakota. Now 1,500 homing pigeons are missing in Sweden. Birds rely on magnetic areas in... continued

Path II Now Available

July 24, 2004
It's the summer ofThePath and you can now listen to Whitley's second commentaryon the book that's very special to him because it took himliterally decades to write it. So grab yourtarotcards and click on "Dreamland" on our masthead. Scroll downto... continued

How to Get a Free Mug

July 23, 2004
Want to get a free uknowncountry.commug?All you have to do issubscribe for oneyear by midnight SUNDAY, July 25 and we'll sendyou a coupon for a free mug. You pay only shipping andhandling. But hurry?the offer ends this weekend! NOTE: This... continued

Did Hitler Die in 1960?

July 23, 2004
Scott Corralesreports that Abel Basti, author of "Bariloche Nazi: Hitlerdied in Argentina in 1960," claims Hitler escaped fromGermany by submarine and spent his last days in Argentina withEva Braun. It's long been known that many Nazis escaped to SouthAmerican countries,... continued

Summer Crop of Circles

July 23, 2004
Crop circles have shown up in Connecticut and Wisconsin.Local resident Adam Prince was driving past FrancisSwoboda's field in the town of Tilden, Wisconsin when "Ijust looked at it I could see something up in the field." Itturned out to be... continued

Fighting Food

July 23, 2004
Soldiers have it even tougher than we think?they may have tocook dinner in their own urine. The same researchers whothought this up also created an "indestructible sandwich"for troops that stays fresh for three years. Duncan Graham-Rowe writes in New Scientist... continued

An Alien Gift of Love

July 22, 2004
Sloanwrites in one of our newCommunionLetters: "In March of 1995 while asleep I was taken to aspaceship, or what I believe was a spaceship. I was sittingin a type of birthing chair facing a curved, very white wallwith a bench... continued