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The Ocean is Saving Us?For Now
July 22, 2004Scientists have discovered that nearly 50% of the carbondioxide that humans have pumped into the atmosphere over thelast 200 years has been absorbed by the ocean. This meansthat greenhouse gases aren't as high as they would beotherwise, meaning global warming... continued
Pollution Wars
July 21, 2004The number of fish in the ocean is declining rapidly. At first, scientists blamed overfishing, especially by poorer countries. Now they blame pollution, mostly from rich countries. And the U.K. has discovered that air pollution from the U.S. is blowing... continued
Malaria Hits Florida
July 21, 2004With global warming, tropical mosquito-borne diseases are hitting the U.S. In Florida, the health department says there's a "very high" chance that mosquitoes with malaria are flying around, after one man was found to be infected with the disease. In... continued
Hate Broccoli? Smoke Cigarettes? It’s All Genetic
July 21, 2004You may be able to blame some of your unhealthy habits on our genes. Everyone has one of two genes that cause them to either taste, or not taste, a certain bitter substance. The ability to taste these substances developed... continued
Superbug Found in Soldiers
July 19, 2004A superbug is bacteria that evolves inside hospitals to beresistant to the latest antibiotics. The danger is not onlyto the patient who has it, but to the other patients in thehospital as well. And if it gets into the outside... continued
Someday We’ll All Farm Like Cuba
July 19, 2004Global warming will eventually change the areas whereagriculture thrives, as well as the kinds of crops that aregrown. In big countries, the change will happen gradually,once farmers and the government accept the idea that weatherchanges are here to stay. But... continued
Sleep, Drink & Lose Weight
July 19, 2004Want to lose weight? Get enough sleep. Instead of spendingan hour a day jogging, new research shows that if you spendthat time in bed, your diet is more likely to be a success. Leptin, a chemical released during sleep, controls... continued
How Birds Do Without Sleep
July 17, 2004Sleep researchers want to know how birds are able to migratethousands of miles every year on very little sleep. Theystudied sparrows in their laboratory and found the birdsreduced their sleep time by two-thirds during the periodwhen they would ordinarily be... continued
Wacky Weather on the Sun
July 17, 2004One reason for the wild summer weather around the globecould be that the sun is experiencing it as well. July of2004 has seen some unusual solar weather. The sunspot countas of July 17 was 142. A few daysago, sunspot 649,... continued
Wacky Summer Weather
July 17, 2004Extreme weather continues to strike without warning aroundthe world and global warming is front page news in manycountries. In the U.S., we have to rely on ourlocal weatherreports, and have no way of knowing that our bizarre,unseasonable weather is being... continued