Spammer Caught in Sting

July 15, 2004
Remember the "money-making" e-mail scams from Nigeria? (Maybe you're still getting them). A group of spam-busterswho call themselves areusing their skills to track these scammers down and have fun at the same time (419 stands of a section of... continued

An Alien Language

July 15, 2004
We get the most wonderfulCommunionLetters. In our latest one,Chadwrites: "When I was in second grade, I had a very terrifyingexperience. I?m 26 years old now and I still remember theevents like they happened yesterday. Every night, for about2 weeks, I... continued

Underwater Cities: New York? London?

July 15, 2004
Unknowncountry readers have always been fascinated bydiscoveries of ancient, underwater cities, like one beinginvestigated off the coast of Cuba. U.K. science advisor SirDavid King says there will be more of these to investigatein the future?but they'll be places we're living... continued

Mars Scoop: You Heard it Here First

July 15, 2004
You heard it on Dreamland first: On June 12, Linda Howeinterviewed Professor Vittorio Formisano, who works with theEuropean Space Agency's orbiting Mars Express craft, whosaid he was about to announce that there is life on Mars.Now he says he'll release... continued

The New Pirates

July 14, 2004
Al-Qaeda terrorists are becoming the new pirates. They'vebought at least 15 ships in the last two years, creating amodern pirate fleet. Their targets are civilian ports, oilrigs and cruise liners. Joseph Farah's G2Bulletin reports that the ships fly theflags of... continued

Decaf Coffee Plant

July 14, 2004
Soon, if you want decaffeinated coffee, you won't have todrink a brew that's been chemically treated?you'll drink acup of decaf made from coffee beans that were grown that way. Andy Coghlan writes in New Scientist that biologists havediscovered a naturally... continued

Get on The Path!

July 14, 2004
This is the summer ofThePath, when Whitley will give a series of talks on thisextraordinary little book, which literally took him decadesto write. You can listen to the first installment byclicking "Dreamland" on our masthead and scrolling down to"The Path."... continued

Tanning May be Addictive

July 14, 2004
People know that tanning salons and too much time on thebeach can lead to skin cancer, but they just can't stopthemselves. Now scientists have learned that tanning isaddictive. Marjorie M. Montemayor reports in about a newstudy showing ultraviolet radiation... continued

UFO Update by Will Hart

July 13, 2004
Will Hartwrites: "I reported on the Mexican UFO case in an articlepublished on this site, a couple of months ago. That casehas been widely broadcast on the Internet and evencirculated in the mass media. The facts pertaining to theevent are... continued

SARS Tears

July 13, 2004
Having SARS may make you want to cry, but if you do, youcould infect others, since the SARS virus has been found inthe tears of infected people. Hopefully, a vaccine will beready before SARS arrives in the U.S. Doctors have... continued