Rockefeller Obit You’ll Only Read Here

July 12, 2004
Laurance Rockefeller died on July 11, 2004 at the age of 93,after a brief illness. Mr. Rockefeller was of exceptionalimportance to UFO research. Between 1993 and 1995, hesupported Dr. John Mack's Center for Psychology and SocialChange in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In... continued

UFO Over Portland

July 11, 2004
As part of our series of newCommunionLetters, we hear from Dan, whowrites: "I remember seeing [a UFO] over downtown Portland,Oregon thirty-six years ago?[A] pilot was trying to getclose to an unusual object that was over the downtown area.The main feature... continued

Sixth Sense is Real

July 11, 2004
If you think someone is watching you, it may not beparanoia. Researcher Stefan Schmidt believes he's provedthat our sixth sense is real. In one experiment, a volunteerin a sealed room watched a second volunteer in another roomon close circuit TV.... continued

Popeye to the Rescue

July 11, 2004
We always knew that spinach would save us somehow, and now it looks like it may be able to combat global warming. Solar cells give us hope that we may be able to avoid fossil fuels in the future, and... continued

Solar Storms Can Destroy Planets

July 11, 2004
Scientists hope that thesolar windwill form a barrier that will protect us from solarradiation during the upcoming pole shift here on Earth. Whenthe poles reverse on Earth, which has happened many timesbefore, the magnetic shield that protects us from solarradiation... continued

Last Weekend to Get Free Path

July 8, 2004
You must subscribe by midnight, Sunday June 11 for one year in order to get a free copy of The Path. You pay shipping and handling costs only. This is Whitley Strieber's most moving, most powerful and most important book.... continued

Dieting Weakens Immune System

July 8, 2004
?And it doesn't work, either. Most dieters end up gaining more weight than they lost. Losing and regaining weight may harm your immune system, while maintaining the same weight over a long period of time is good for it. When... continued

It Takes a Big Brain to Tell a Lie

July 8, 2004
The primates with the biggest brains, compared to their body size, are the best at deceiving others. Since humans have the biggest brains of all, we're especially good liars. Hazel Muir writes in New Scientist that primates have the largest... continued

Ocean Currents Could Lead to Superstorm

July 8, 2004
There are more sunspots now than there have been in the last 1,000 years, and this could be a major cause of global warming. Also, vast areas of cold water have suddenly appeared in the North Pacific and North Atlantic,... continued

Tiny Pollution Kills in Big Way

July 7, 2004
Despite "Clear Skies" and other government programs, there are still 100 million people in 21 U.S. states who breathe unhealthy levels of tiny particles from coal-burning power plants, cars and factories, according to the EPA. Chris Baltimore writes that 243... continued