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UFO Update by Will Hart
July 13, 2004Will Hartwrites: "I reported on the Mexican UFO case in an articlepublished on this site, a couple of months ago. That casehas been widely broadcast on the Internet and evencirculated in the mass media. The facts pertaining to theevent are... continued
SARS Tears
July 13, 2004Having SARS may make you want to cry, but if you do, youcould infect others, since the SARS virus has been found inthe tears of infected people. Hopefully, a vaccine will beready before SARS arrives in the U.S. Doctors have... continued
Asteroids Bring Life as Well as Death
July 13, 2004Besides ending life on planets through impacts, asteroidsmay also spread life throughout the universe. Although thislife is in the form of tiny bacteria which are only thebeginning of a long evolution to intelligent life, it doesmean that most life will... continued
Are Terrorists Crazy?
July 13, 2004Terrorists may act like madmen, but psychologists say theyare actually sane, ordinary people. Most al-Qaeda terroristsare middle class family men. Two-thirds have collegeeducations (a tenth even have a postgraduate degrees) andseven out of 10 are married with children. Forensic psychologist... continued
Older & Wiser
July 12, 2004Fossil records show that societies do better if there areold folks around, and scientists think they know why. Will Knight writes in New Scientist that seniors played animportant role in the spread of human civilization 30,000years ago, according to a... continued
Rockefeller Obit You’ll Only Read Here
July 12, 2004Laurance Rockefeller died on July 11, 2004 at the age of 93,after a brief illness. Mr. Rockefeller was of exceptionalimportance to UFO research. Between 1993 and 1995, hesupported Dr. John Mack's Center for Psychology and SocialChange in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In... continued
Why Don’t We Worry About the Weather?
July 12, 2004We get weather forecasts every day, but not much news aboutglobal warming. U.S. scientists fear that the public "turnsoff" when it hears predictions of climate change, eitherbecause we don't want to face facts or because the subjectis too big to... continued
UFO Over Portland
July 11, 2004As part of our series of newCommunionLetters, we hear from Dan, whowrites: "I remember seeing [a UFO] over downtown Portland,Oregon thirty-six years ago?[A] pilot was trying to getclose to an unusual object that was over the downtown area.The main feature... continued
Sixth Sense is Real
July 11, 2004If you think someone is watching you, it may not beparanoia. Researcher Stefan Schmidt believes he's provedthat our sixth sense is real. In one experiment, a volunteerin a sealed room watched a second volunteer in another roomon close circuit TV.... continued
Popeye to the Rescue
July 11, 2004We always knew that spinach would save us somehow, and now it looks like it may be able to combat global warming. Solar cells give us hope that we may be able to avoid fossil fuels in the future, and... continued