Ocean Currents Could Lead to Superstorm

July 8, 2004
There are more sunspots now than there have been in the last 1,000 years, and this could be a major cause of global warming. Also, vast areas of cold water have suddenly appeared in the North Pacific and North Atlantic,... continued

Last Weekend to Get Free Path

July 8, 2004
You must subscribe by midnight, Sunday June 11 for one year in order to get a free copy of The Path. You pay shipping and handling costs only. This is Whitley Strieber's most moving, most powerful and most important book.... continued

Time Travelers on a Road in France

July 7, 2004
As part of our new Communion Letters, we heard fromSusan, who writes: "There is a road in France that we lived next to in 1994 that had been there since Roman times. As I was going to market one mid-day,... continued

Tiny Pollution Kills in Big Way

July 7, 2004
Despite "Clear Skies" and other government programs, there are still 100 million people in 21 U.S. states who breathe unhealthy levels of tiny particles from coal-burning power plants, cars and factories, according to the EPA. Chris Baltimore writes that 243... continued

Artist Emerges from Criminal Mind

July 7, 2004
Scientists who study idiot-savants, people who are autistic but geniuses in one particular area, think that brain damage in one part of the brain causes other parts to become much more developed than normal. Can a stroke affect the brain... continued

Did You Once Use Drugs?

July 7, 2004
You may have cleaned up your act, but if you experimented with drugs in the past, you could be infected with hepatitis C.As many as 400,000 people in the U.K. may be infected without knowing it, and even more in... continued

Art by Dana Augustine

July 6, 2004
Many have you have long admired the artistic mastheads created by Dana Augustine for every Dreamland and Mysterious Powers show. Now you can view them all over again on our new Dana Augustine page, where you can click on each... continued

Crop Circle in Utah

July 6, 2004
A large group of one large and three smaller crop circles have appeared in Utah. This is the tenth circle to appear in the state over the years. The largest showed up on July 21, 1998 on the same day... continued

Alaska is the Canary

July 6, 2004
The term "canary in the coal mine" refers to miners who used to take canaries in cages with them underground. If the bird expired, they would be warned that oxygen was running low and it was time to go back... continued

Have We Got Osama?

July 6, 2004
Every once in a while, a rumor comes along saying we have captured Osama bin-Laden. Then an audio or video tape is released by al-Qaeda, proving he's still alive and free. Some of these tapes are more convincing than others.... continued