Hickman Report Now Available

July 5, 2004
Due to a technical error, the Jim Hickman report referred to in our special newsletter supplement has not been available on the website until today. You can listen to the report by clicking on the word "Dreamland" on the right... continued

Upon Seeing Fahrenheit 911

July 5, 2004
In her latest Diary, Anne Strieber writes: "I recently saw Michael Moore's incendiary documentary film 'Fahrenheit 911.' There are plenty of comments on the film in the media already, so why should I add mine??because I disagree with many of... continued

Two Incredible Photos UPDATE!

July 2, 2004
Unknowncountry.com has discovered two remarkable photos?one of a new crop circle in the U.K., the other of UFOs in Paris. To see several beautiful images of the new crop circle, click here and scroll down. It was discovered on June... continued

Reveal Your Politics

July 1, 2004
In our last poll, we asked you, "How has your weather changed?" This time we're asking you "What are your politics?" (All replies are anonymous). We list almost every political affiliation possible, but you can check "Other" as well. As... continued

Sugarless Sodas Doom Your Diet

July 1, 2004
When you're dieting, the natural thing to do is to reach for a diet soda, but this may actually prevent you from losing weight, because it confuses the body's natural ability to count calories based on sweetness. Since the body... continued

Criminals Produced by Pollution

July 1, 2004
Exposure to lead in early childhood may be one of the reasons for the wave of violent crime in the 20th century. It also may explain why most criminals come from urban areas. Joan Lowy writes that economist Rick Nevin... continued

UFO Sightings Worldwide

July 1, 2004
UFOs have been spotted in Louisiana, South Africa and Chile, making this a worldwide phenomenon. Michelle Hunter writes in the Times-Picayune that on May 24, UFO researchers Joe and Linda Montaldo of Metairie, Louisiana videotaped a dark, oblong shape with... continued

The Being Who Helped Me to Dance

June 30, 2004
Here's another one of our new Communion Letters. In it,Christy writes: For a long time I dismissed a childhood story I wrote and illustrated containing descriptions of another world and images of big-eyed beings, because my sister told me my... continued

Spontaneous Fires Still a Mystery

June 30, 2004
We recently wrote about mysterious fires spontaneously breaking out in the Italian town of Canneto di Caronia. TVs and appliances burst into flames, cars refused to unlock and cell phones rang when no one was calling. The residents were evacuated... continued

Why Modern Couples Can’t Conceive

June 30, 2004
She's on a low carb diet, he carries a cell phone?no wonder they can't have kids. Researchers have found that a low carb diet makes women less fertile, while carrying a cell phone does the same thing to men. Caroline... continued