Sugarless Sodas Doom Your Diet

July 1, 2004
When you're dieting, the natural thing to do is to reach for a diet soda, but this may actually prevent you from losing weight, because it confuses the body's natural ability to count calories based on sweetness. Since the body... continued

Criminals Produced by Pollution

July 1, 2004
Exposure to lead in early childhood may be one of the reasons for the wave of violent crime in the 20th century. It also may explain why most criminals come from urban areas. Joan Lowy writes that economist Rick Nevin... continued

The Being Who Helped Me to Dance

June 30, 2004
Here's another one of our new Communion Letters. In it,Christy writes: For a long time I dismissed a childhood story I wrote and illustrated containing descriptions of another world and images of big-eyed beings, because my sister told me my... continued

Spontaneous Fires Still a Mystery

June 30, 2004
We recently wrote about mysterious fires spontaneously breaking out in the Italian town of Canneto di Caronia. TVs and appliances burst into flames, cars refused to unlock and cell phones rang when no one was calling. The residents were evacuated... continued

Why Modern Couples Can’t Conceive

June 30, 2004
She's on a low carb diet, he carries a cell phone?no wonder they can't have kids. Researchers have found that a low carb diet makes women less fertile, while carrying a cell phone does the same thing to men. Caroline... continued

West Nile May be Saddam’s Revenge

June 30, 2004
U.S. health officials say the U.S. strain of West Nile virus is deadlier to humans and birds than anywhere else on the planet, except for Israel. Could West Nile be Saddam Hussein's revenge? WorldNet Daily and Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin... continued

No More Chocolate?!

June 29, 2004
Some of us don't want to live in a world without chocolate, but we may have to if a South American disease spreads to cocoa plants in Africa. Julianna Kettlewell writes in that the two diseases ravaging cocoa plants... continued

Secret Ancient Indian Village Revealed

June 29, 2004
We recently wrote that Atzlan, the Mexican Atlantis, might be in Utah. Now an ancient Indian site has been revealed that was kept secret by a rancher in Utah for over 50 years. Paul Foy writes that Waldo Wilcox kept... continued

Can Women Be as Evil as Men?

June 29, 2004
Psychologists have long thought that bringing women into traditionally male realms would create kinder, gentler institutions. However, female torture of male prisoners at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison seems to prove the opposite. Of the seven U.S. soldiers charged in the... continued

That Mona Lisa Smile

June 28, 2004
Why have we been fascinated for so many years by Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile? It may be due to random noise in our brain. Philip Cohen reports in New Scientist that Christopher Tyler and Leonid Kontsevich manipulated a computer image... continued