TV Leads to Early Sex

June 28, 2004
Children, especially girls, are reaching puberty at alarmingly younger ages every year. This is a major problem, since with longer lives and more education, most women want to put off having children to a later age than ever before. The... continued

Another Case of Mad Cow in U.S.

June 28, 2004
A second cow has tested positive for Mad Cow Disease in the U.S.?and only a fraction of cattle are tested, so who knows how many infected cows there really are? However, the USDA says it's "very likely" that with further... continued

Mysterious Face Carved in Rock

June 27, 2004
Archaeologists studying prehistoric stone carvings near Scotland have found an amazing carving of a face that is much more sophisticated than the other primitive stone art in the vicinity. The question is, where did it come from? Rocks with simpler... continued

Tesla Crop Circle

June 27, 2004
It's been a fairly dull crop circle season in the U.K. this year?until now. A new circle has arrived that appears to be a diagram for an electrical transistor designed 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla. This little-known engineer is... continued

Phoenix Lights May Have Caused Blackout

June 27, 2004
News 5 KPHO in Phoenix is investigating a power surge that left 65 thousand people without electricity recently. Some people say the blackout was caused by strange lights in the sky, which could be a return of the Phoenix Lights,... continued

Last 3 Days to Get Free Path!

June 27, 2004
Until Friday, July 2nd at midnight, all new one-year subscribers to will receive a free copy of The Path. You pay only shipping and handling. If you're already a subscriber, you'll find a coupon in the subscriber's section for... continued

A National Catastrophe

June 27, 2004
In Whitley's new journal, he writes: "The outing of Valerie Plame in the column of Robert Novak has now led to the resignation of Jim Plavitt from the CIA. Mr. Plavitt was Valerie Plame's superior. His work has been devastated... continued

American Otzi

June 24, 2004
Otzi is the name of a prehistoric man who was buried under a glacier in the Italian Alps about 5,000 years ago. His body came to the surface in 1991 because the Alps are melting. Now North America has its... continued

The Methane Mystery

June 24, 2004
As we've written here before, one of the mysteries about global warming events of the past is that huge amounts of the greenhouse gas methane were suddenly released into the atmosphere. Where did this come from, and could it happen... continued

Get a Haircut

June 24, 2004
A Vietnamese man hasn't had a hair cut in 31 years. He's hoping to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest hair in the world. How does hair look when you put off getting a... continued