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Oil Man Worries Too
June 21, 2004The head of one of the world's biggest oil companies admits that the threat of climate change makes him "really very worried for the planet." Ron Oxburgh, the chairman of Shell, says, "No one can be comfortable at the prospect... continued
Only 25 Zeta Reticuli Booklets Left!
June 20, 2004We have only 25 of these wonderful 30-page free booklets left! In them, UFO researcher Stan Friedman talks about the star map drawn by Betty Hill during her world-famous UFO abduction in 1961. The Zeta Reticuli Incident was published in... continued
Panda Porn
June 17, 2004The Chinese know how to get sexually shy pandas to mate in captivity: Show them panda pornography. The project has been a success: Hua Mei is finally pregnant. Zookeepers are worried that pandas may die out because it's so hard... continued
Flash Mob Fun Goes Global
June 17, 2004What's a flash mob? It starts with a message sent to a list of people telling them all to show up at the same place at the same time and to be prepared to do something crazy, then vanish into... continued
Creating a Terrorist Weapon?by Accident
June 17, 2004Scientists trying to reduce the number of mice in Australia ended up creating a bioweapon instead?so why couldn't terrorists do the same thing? Ean Higgins writes in The Australian that immunologists Ron Jackson and Ian Ramshaw injected 10 mice with... continued
Aliens Beamed Me Up
June 16, 2004In our series of new Communion Letters, we heard from Mick, who writes: "Yes, I too have had an abduction/dream experience in the early nineties. It happened after seeing the Band "Psychic TV" at The Ritz (Studio 54) in New... continued
Hot Time: Summer in the City
June 16, 2004Some of you know this already: A new report from the U.K. says summers in the city are hotter than ever. And they're going to get even hotter in the future, thanks to global warming. Why are cities so much... continued
Is Infidelity Genetic?
June 16, 2004A biologist says that some people are genetically programmed to be unfaithful to their partners. He's found that if one female twin has a history of infidelity, the chances that her sister will too is about 55%, and this is... continued
Alien Talk
June 16, 2004If we meet up with aliens, will we be able to talk to each other? We can't even understand the language of some of the creatures that live right here on Earth with us. Astronomer Guy Consolmagrio says, "[It's possible]... continued
Investigation Leads to Leaks About 911
June 15, 2004As the Congressional investigation on 911 nears completion, secret information has begun to leak out. Before 911, Niaz Khan, a Pakistani living in the U.K., told the FBI he'd been trained by al Qaeda to hijack airplanes and was in... continued