How to See Through Walls

June 14, 2004
Susumu Tachi, who invented a cloak that makes its wearer "invisible," now plans to develop technology that will allow people to see through walls. He says, "My short term goal would be?to make a room that has no outside windows... continued

Missing Pelicans Due to Pole Shift?

June 14, 2004
Officials in North Dakota are looking for 27,000 American white pelicans that are missing. They've abandoned their summer nesting grounds?leaving their eggs unhatched?at the Chase National Wildlife Refuge. "It's like they packed up and left in the middle of the... continued

Either Water or Ice

June 14, 2004
Scientists want to reassure us that while another ice age, as portrayed in the film The Day After Tomorrow, is definitely in our future, it won't happen again soon. While this may be true in the natural course of events,... continued

Mexican UFO Case Still Unsolved

June 14, 2004
UFO investigator Richard Dolan writes: "Since the news was released in early May 2004 that a Mexican Air Force interceptor encountered several invisible objects that registered clearly on radar and infrared systems, a number of articles appeared that attempted to... continued

What Will Cars of the Future be Like?

June 13, 2004
With high gas prices and impending fuel shortages, how will cars of the future be different from the ones we have now? We won't have hydrogen propelled cars any time soon. Although they were first through of in the 1840s,... continued

Mercury in Vaccines DOES Lead to Autism

June 13, 2004
A fierce fight has been going on for years between the parents of autistic kids and the government and pharmaceutical industry about whether or not the mercury used as a preservative in vaccines causes autism. Over the past 20 years,... continued

Major Scientists Say Bush Promotes Pseudo-Science

June 13, 2004
The Union of Concerned Scientists accuses the Bush administration of practicing junk science. Bush science advisor John Marburger complains that the UCS's February report reads like a "conspiracy theory report." Bruce Sterling writes in that, "The Bush administration has... continued

Crop Circles are for the Birds

June 10, 2004
In the U.K., while scientists don't acknowledge that crop circles are "real," they say they have an unexpected benefit by helping to reverse the decline in birds. A two-year study found the skylark breeding increased 50% when areas of the... continued

UFO Object?Is it Real?

June 10, 2004
Bob White kept a secret for many years. He says, "I'm 73 years old. I don't have much longer?This is the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life." He's showing the world an artifact he claims fell off... continued

Michelangelo May Have Been Autistic

June 10, 2004
The artist Michelangelo may have had a form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome, and Albert Einstein, Socrates and Jane Austen may have had it too. Psychiatrists describe Michelangelo as "strange, without affect, and isolated" and "preoccupied with his own private... continued