UFO Object?Is it Real?

June 10, 2004
Bob White kept a secret for many years. He says, "I'm 73 years old. I don't have much longer?This is the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life." He's showing the world an artifact he claims fell off... continued

Michelangelo May Have Been Autistic

June 10, 2004
The artist Michelangelo may have had a form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome, and Albert Einstein, Socrates and Jane Austen may have had it too. Psychiatrists describe Michelangelo as "strange, without affect, and isolated" and "preoccupied with his own private... continued

What Makes a Chess Champ

June 9, 2004
Psychologists studying Chess experts have decided that, while Chess can be a slow, thoughtful game, the best players use their intutition to make quick decisions about which piece to play. Psychologist Bruce D. Burns compared chess players' rankings in normal... continued

Child Sacrifice Still Going On

June 9, 2004
When the Spanish encountered the indigenous people in some parts of Latin America, they were shocked to discover that they practiced child sacrifice. The naturally-preserved mummies of these children are still being found on mountain tops today. NowScott Corrales reports... continued

Will an Ice Age Happen Again?

June 9, 2004
Between 1645 and 1714, Europe experienced a Little Ice Age. Astronomers who worry about The Day After Tomorrow happening again are studying the sun. While a new ice age could be caused by dropping ocean currents, triggered by an ice... continued

Attacking America Through Oil

June 8, 2004
Americans may feel that the recent Al-Qaeda attacks inside Saudi Arabia serve the Saudis right, since they've enabled and even funded the 911 terrorists, as long as they did their dirty deeds in some other country. However, this is also... continued

What Makes Us Eat More

June 8, 2004
Scientists have found that if you're offered a variety of different foods, you'll eat more. Researcher Brian Wansink found that people offered M&Ms or jelly beans will eat more if they're offered many different colors, even if they all taste... continued

Alien Photo Analyzed

June 8, 2004
More news on the alien photo recently sent to us by Scott Corrales:Professional photographer Enrique Sepulveda says, "As a photographer I don't believe it's a trick. I think it's an image taken by sheer chance of another element formed by... continued

Visited by the Sun

June 8, 2004
The Communion Letters didn't end with the book, because people keep remembering their experiences. Eric writes: "My story is so much like the movie Communion, I was literally blown away when I watched it a few months ago. It has... continued

The Genius in All of Us

June 7, 2004
Idiot-savants are people who were born with damaged brains and they are usually retarded, except in one spectacular area. For instance, when given a date, many of them can instantly tell you what day of the week it was?something most... continued