What Makes Us Eat More

June 8, 2004
Scientists have found that if you're offered a variety of different foods, you'll eat more. Researcher Brian Wansink found that people offered M&Ms or jelly beans will eat more if they're offered many different colors, even if they all taste... continued

Alien Photo Analyzed

June 8, 2004
More news on the alien photo recently sent to us by Scott Corrales:Professional photographer Enrique Sepulveda says, "As a photographer I don't believe it's a trick. I think it's an image taken by sheer chance of another element formed by... continued

Visited by the Sun

June 8, 2004
The Communion Letters didn't end with the book, because people keep remembering their experiences. Eric writes: "My story is so much like the movie Communion, I was literally blown away when I watched it a few months ago. It has... continued

The Genius in All of Us

June 7, 2004
Idiot-savants are people who were born with damaged brains and they are usually retarded, except in one spectacular area. For instance, when given a date, many of them can instantly tell you what day of the week it was?something most... continued

Atlantis Finally Found?

June 7, 2004
A scientist says he's found Atlantis. While this has been claimed many times before, Dr. Rainer Kuehne used satellite photos to spot a part of southern Spain with features that match the descriptions of Greek scholar Plato. This would mean... continued

First NASA, Now NOAA Silenced by Bush

June 7, 2004
NOAA scientists are delighted that their institution, in the person of scientist Jack Hall (played by Dennis Quaid), is the star of the major motion picture The Day After Tomorrow. But they administration doesn't like the film's portrayal of Vice-President... continued

Superior Sunscreen Illegal Here

June 4, 2004
In Europe, Asia, South America, Canada, Mexico and Australia, people are using an incredibly effective sunscreen containing the ingredient Mexoryl, which is illegal in the U.S. "It produces a product which gives us almost perfect protection against sunshine, or at... continued

Mad Cow Free Cow

June 4, 2004
The Kirin Brewery Company in Japan has produced a genetically-engineered cow that is immune to Mad Cow Disease because it carries none of the prions that cause the disease. The animal hasn't been born yet, but it will not be... continued

UFO Puts Portugal on Military Alert

June 4, 2004
The Portuguese press has announced that the airforce is on alert since dozens of people saw a UFO on Tuesday. The newspaper Correio da Manha reports that "Military radar surveillance has been increased and F16 planes are ready for take-off."... continued

Last Chance to Get Free Book!

June 4, 2004
If you become a one-year subscriber by Sunday, June 6 you'll receive a free copy of The Day After Tomorrow, autographed by Whitley. But hurry?this offer is almost over! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will... continued