“Next Time We Will Come Much Closer.”

May 28, 2004
As part of our new Communion Letters, a reader named Shawn writes: "I want to relate an experience I recently had in my own backyard. I was standing on my back porch at about 9 pm, enjoying the night air,... continued

The Day After Tomorrow

May 28, 2004
The Day After Tomorrow opens in thousands of theaters worldwide today, one of the largest movie openings in recent history. Whitley and Anne and Art and Ramona Bell attended the premiere on Monday, and Whitley offers his thoughts about the... continued

Alien Caught on Film?

May 28, 2004
Scott Corrales quotes Chilean civil engineer Germ NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Mad Cow Time Bomb

May 27, 2004
Britain may be facing a Mad Cow time bomb. New research suggests that up to 4,000 people there unknowingly carry the human form of mad cow disease. Some may already be passing it on through blood transfusions and contaminated surgical... continued

In Vitro May Pass on Genetic Problems

May 27, 2004
Many couples choose to have babies using in-vitro fertilization because the man's sperm count is too low to father children any other way. However, this low sperm count could be due to a genetic defect that affects more than sperm,... continued

Hybrid Savings: It Depends on How You Drive

May 27, 2004
Some owners of new hybrid cars can't figure out why they don't get the 55 or higher miles per gallon they've been promised. It turns out you won't save much on gas unless you drive the right way. Honda spokesman... continued

Music Teachers Going Deaf

May 26, 2004
A new study shows that music teachers are routinely exposed to noise levels that could result in hearing loss. Researcher Hans Kunov says, "The hair cells of the inner ear simply crumble under the load, and they don't grow back... continued

How the Brain Grows Up

May 26, 2004
Those of us who've had to deal with cranky toddlers and stubborn teenagers will not be surprised to learn that the brain's center of reasoning and problem solving is the last to mature. This may be why it's so much... continued

A Skin Story

May 26, 2004
In the movie Fahrenheit 451, books have been burned, so a group of people volunteer to each memorize a book in order to keep it alive. Now author Shelley Jackson is using volunteers to create a story called "Skin." Each... continued

Chicago is Sinking While Canada is Rising

May 24, 2004
We know that Venice and New Orleans are sinking?but Chicago? It turns out that melting Canadian glaciers are causing the land around Chicago to sink.The ground underneath the city is sinking at less than an inch a year, but this... continued