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UFO Wave Continues
May 21, 2004Tommy Woodard took a digital photo in Provo, Utah that appears to be a UFO hovering over some trees. He was taking photos in Provo Canyon on Tuesday while scouting for a possible film location. He didn't notice anything unusual... continued
Space Poop
May 21, 2004A vital but unasked question is: what happens to human waste in space? Right now, astronauts bring it back home with them, but on longer space voyages, other solutions will be needed. This will become more important in the future,... continued
Vatican Astronomy
May 21, 2004People are often surprised to find out that the Vatican owns an observatory in Tucson, Arizona. They originally had a telescope in Rome, but the growing population made the sky too bright for astronomical observations. Jesuit astronomer Guy Consolmagno says,... continued
Thank China for Spam
May 20, 2004We get many low cost imports from China, and one of these is computer spam. When internet researchers tracked spam messages, they found that 71% of them come from China. Gideon Mantel, who tracks e-mail traffic, says most of those... continued
Violent Images Make Kids Less Aggressive
May 20, 2004The unexpected results of a new study reveal that showing children graphic images of violence makes them less?not more?aggressive. Alison McCook writes, "After seeing pictures of people treated for gunshot wounds, including a man whose stomach was ripped apart by... continued
“Dreams”?or Reality?
May 20, 2004In our latest new Communion Letter, a reader writes, "My name is Nick and I live in western Montana. There have been quite a few strange things that have happened to me in my lifetime, although I'm only 19 years... continued
UFOs Seen in the South
May 20, 2004Scott Corrales reports that witnesses in Havana, Cuba saw a UFO. In North Carolina, a couple saw one three days in a row, before they finally contacted the police. The Cuban newspaper Juventud Rebelde reports that a UFO was seen... continued
Seeing Ley Lines
May 19, 2004Ley Lines are magnetic lines that criss-cross the Earth. Early humans may have been able to detect them, since many prehistoric monuments, such as Stonehenge, are built along them. Migratory birds may be able to see them and use them... continued
Brain Scan May Exonerate Killer
May 19, 2004The sentence of death row inmate Jimmy Ray Slaughter is being appealed, based on a new type of lie detector: the brain fingerprint. Graham Inglis explains the process in Phenomena magazine. If you're shown an image that you haven't seen... continued
Secrets of a Pyramid
May 19, 2004Archeologists have found a new way to locate hidden rooms inside ancient pyramids. In Teotihuacan, Mexico, they've built a particle detector inside a pyramid to detect muons, which are tiny particles that are created when cosmic rays hit the Earth's... continued