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Pesticides Inside our Bodies
May 18, 2004Most of us have unhealthy levels of pesticides inside our bodies, from yards (or own and others) and the food we eat, as well as air and water. There's no way to avoid being exposed to them. When the Pesticide... continued
Why it’s Always Been All About Oil
May 18, 2004In her new Diary, Anne Strieber writes: "There IS a link between 911 and Iraq, and that link is oil. To al-Qaeda, showing a naked man being taunted by a female soldier is inhumane, but beheading a civilian U.S. worker... continued
Warning: Your Computer May be Tapped
May 17, 2004You know your phone can be tapped, but you probably think you have complete privacy when typing on your computer keyboard. However, spies can eavesdrop on what you're writing by listening to the sounds of your keystrokes. IBM research scientist... continued
Love Makes Men & Women More Alike
May 17, 2004Researcher Donatella Marazziti has discovered that your hormones change when you fall in love. After measuring the hormones of men and women who claimed to be in love, she says, "The most intriguing finding is related to testosterone." Serotonin levels... continued
The Dangers of the Coming Pole Flip
May 17, 2004We know the Earth's magnetic poles will flip soon and that they've done it before in the past. But the magnetic field is what protects us from being roasted by the sun's ultraviolet rays, as well as by cosmic rays... continued
William Henry Free DVD Offer
May 17, 2004So many of you took advantage of our offer to include a free William Henry DVD with every order of William Henry's books that William's shelves in our store are almost bare and we're temporarily out of DVDs. William is... continued
Smells Can Make You Eat Less
May 14, 2004The smell of good food coming from the kitchen always makes us hungry, but scientists now say these smells can actually make us eat less. Dr. Alan Hirsch, who has invented fragrance crystals to sprinkle on food, says the smell... continued
Mexican UFOs: Gas, Space Junk or (Yes!) Ball Lightning
May 14, 2004Scientists are theorizing about the Mexican UFOs. So far, they have been identified as space junk, meteor fragments, burn-off from oil platforms, spontaneous electrical flashes, and our old favorite: ball lightning. To see stills from the Mexican UFO video, click... continued
It’s a Wetter World
May 14, 2004Australian scientists say the Earth may be saved from the worst effects of global warming by the fact that a warmer planet is also a wetter planet. This encourages more plants to grow and soak up the greenhouse gases. However,... continued
Monsanto Gives Up on GM Wheat
May 13, 2004Monsanto has decided to stop trying to sell genetically-modified wheat?at least for now. This is good for those of us who like variety, because GM corn has been shown to quickly contaminate nearby fields, ending crop diversity. While most corn... continued