Should We Re-Institute the Draft?

May 11, 2004
It's become clear that we're spread too thin in Afghanistan and Iraq because we don't have enough soldiers. Should we re-institute the draft? Be sure to vote on this volatile issue! Last time we asked you if you thought sudden... continued

UFOs Chased by Mexican Air Force Jet

May 11, 2004
Scott Corrales reports that on Tuesday, Mexican military authorities released a video taken on March 5th that shows 11 UFOs being chased by Air Force jets. It was taken by pilots using an infrared camera. Some of the UFOs look... continued

Whale Songs are Calls for Help

May 11, 2004
The calls of Orca whales in the Pacific are getting longer, so they can be heard by other whales over the noise of heavy boat traffic. Orcas only do this when engine noise reaches a critical level. Paul Rincon writes... continued

Trees Can Pollute

May 11, 2004
One problem with the Kyoto Treaty is that many countries plan to reduce global warming by planting more carbon-dioxide absorbing trees. However, when the weather is hot, trees spew out more pollution than they suck up. Researcher Alastair Lewis discovered... continued

Marrying Dad

May 10, 2004
It may be a relief for some of us to know that beauty is not judged by physical attributes alone. Researchers have discovered that when someone knows you, they may consider you beautiful even if, by objective standards, you're not.... continued

Are Hydrogen Cars Possible?

May 10, 2004
It's long been thought that hydrogen cars won't be a reality for many years, due to the problems with the volatile gas leaking into the atmosphere (and perhaps igniting and blowing up the car). The hydrogen atom may be free... continued

Have We Lost our Soul in Iraq?

May 10, 2004
In a provocative editorial in the May 10 issue of the Wall Street Journal, Gerald F. Seib says that after the release of the photographs of U.S. troops torturing Iraqi prisoners, "?The U.S. has come face-to-face with the possibility that... continued

Aliens Said, “You Will Not Remember This”

May 10, 2004
As part of our new Communion Letters series, Evelyn writes: "I 'heard' [the alien] in my head, saying, 'We did not come for you, this time. You were able to see us because of the attachments. You will not remember... continued

Awake While in Surgery

May 7, 2004
It's one of our worst nightmares: being awake during surgery. But anesthesia doesn't work for everybody. The people this has happened to say the pain isn't the worst part, although that can be excruciating. It's the horror of being paralyzed... continued

Scientists Back Superstorm Film

May 7, 2004
Despite government pressure on NASA not to support the scenario in The Day After Tomorrow, scientists are backing the science behind the film. The part of the film most of them object to has to do with the compression of... continued