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Have We Lost our Soul in Iraq?
May 10, 2004In a provocative editorial in the May 10 issue of the Wall Street Journal, Gerald F. Seib says that after the release of the photographs of U.S. troops torturing Iraqi prisoners, "?The U.S. has come face-to-face with the possibility that... continued
Aliens Said, “You Will Not Remember This”
May 10, 2004As part of our new Communion Letters series, Evelyn writes: "I 'heard' [the alien] in my head, saying, 'We did not come for you, this time. You were able to see us because of the attachments. You will not remember... continued
2 UFOs Caught on Video?and You Can See One of Them
May 7, 2004Two UFOs have been filmed in the U.S. and a man in Chile has finally revealed his abduction from his car in 1997. This weekour subscribers can see the incredible UFO video from Oregon. In Michigan, Donna Billett says, "I... continued
Awake While in Surgery
May 7, 2004It's one of our worst nightmares: being awake during surgery. But anesthesia doesn't work for everybody. The people this has happened to say the pain isn't the worst part, although that can be excruciating. It's the horror of being paralyzed... continued
Scientists Back Superstorm Film
May 7, 2004Despite government pressure on NASA not to support the scenario in The Day After Tomorrow, scientists are backing the science behind the film. The part of the film most of them object to has to do with the compression of... continued
Why We Get Jet Lag
May 6, 2004Scientists believe they've found the reason why we suffer from jet lag: It's because we have two timekeeping centers in our brains. One follows the clock, while the other one is influenced by natural events, such as sunrise and sunset.... continued
Saudi Oil May be Over
May 6, 2004Five foreign oil workers were recently killed in Saudi Arabia, meaning terrorists may get control of the oil industry there. This is undoubtedly one of the reasons the U.S. is in Iraq. If this keeps occurring, expect to see even... continued
Dogs Get Flu from Horses
May 6, 2004In Florida, racing greyhounds are coming down with the same flu virus that affects race horses, even though they don't race on the same tracks. We know that "bird flu" jumps from chickens to humans and SARS jumped to us... continued
The Problem? There are 3 Iraqs
May 6, 2004In Anne's new diary, she writes: "I imagine most of us are in the same boat: whether or not we think we should have invaded Iraq in the first place, we can't figure out how we'll be able to leave.... continued
Genetic Reason for the Mozart Effect
May 5, 2004The "Mozart Effect" refers to the fact that listening to Mozart?but not any other music?has been shown to improve learning and memory. Now scientists have found that Mozart's music actually changes the connections between brain cells. Emily Singer writes in... continued