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Genetic Reason for the Mozart Effect
May 5, 2004The "Mozart Effect" refers to the fact that listening to Mozart?but not any other music?has been shown to improve learning and memory. Now scientists have found that Mozart's music actually changes the connections between brain cells. Emily Singer writes in... continued
Only Half of Tainted Meat Recalled–UPDATE
May 5, 2004Only about half the meat and poultry that was recalled in the U.S. because of suspected health hazards between 1998 and 2002 was actually recovered by the manufacturers. This is especially worrisome now that Mad Cow Disease has been discovered... continued
Freedom Fries May be Dangerous
May 4, 2004California has a new law called Proposition 65, which requires warning labels on any food with known health risks. Restaurants there may have to start labeling Freedom fries, because like all heated carbohydrates, they contain acrylamide, which has been shown... continued
The Fatal Flush
May 4, 2004While the latest SARS case in China escaped from a laboratory where it was being studied, most of last year's SARS epidemic wasn't spread from person to person?it was spread by one person flushing the toilet. Amanda Gardner writes in... continued
Near Miss Coming in the Fall
May 4, 2004On September 29, a crazily-rotating, dumbbell-shaped asteroid the size of a small city will pass closer to Earth than any other asteroid this century?but it won't hit us. When astronomers say asteroid Toutatis will come "close," they mean it will... continued
Disaster in the Middle East
May 4, 2004In his provocative new journal, Whitley writes: "In January of 2003, I published a journal entry on this website in support of going to war against Saddam Hussein. The reason I offered then is even more valid now than it... continued
Vote in Sci Fi Poll
May 4, 2004This week, the Sci Fi channel is running a poll about the new movie The Day After Tomorrow based on The Coming Global Superstorm by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. Sci Fi is owned by Fox, the company that is... continued
Calling Fidel
May 3, 2004Two Miami talk show hosts managed to call Fidel Castro and chew him out on the air, before he hung up on them. They've been fined $4,000 by the FCC and plan to protest this by paying in pennies, so... continued
Cancer has Eternal Life
May 3, 2004We recently explained that aging and death are caused by the fact that the ends of our cells, called telomeres, shorten every time the cell divides. But there is one kind of cell that has the secret of eternal life:... continued
More Vets Get Drastic Disease
May 3, 2004It has been reported that more Gulf War Vets got Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), which gradually leads to complete paralysis, than the general public. Those soldiers blamed it on bioterrorism from Saddam, while current soldiers in Iraq fear they may... continued