Not Missing Time, GAINED Time

May 3, 2004
Donna writes in our series of new Communion Letters: "This is not a tale of missing time, but of gained time, courtesy of the aliens." She also had a near death experience BEFORE an operation where she almost died. NOTE:... continued

ALL Global Warming From Planes?

April 30, 2004
NASA scientists say that cirrus clouds formed by contrails increased surface temperatures enough to account for all the warming that took place in the United States between 1975 and 1994. This totally ignores major global warming causes like changes in... continued

Time Travel May be Real

April 30, 2004
If we can speed up time, we may be able to travel in time. Now scientists say they're learning how to do it. If you find this confusing, you're not alone: physicist Carlos Dolz says, ''A big problem for science... continued

More About Iran UFO

April 30, 2004
The BBC says "dozens" of UFOs have been seen in Iran in the past few days. Sadollah Nasiri-Qeydari, of Iran's Astronomical Society, says people are seeing the planet Venus. The Washington Times says the UFO was only seen twice and... continued

Extinction?Is it in Our Future?

April 29, 2004
Half of the 114 species that have become extinct, despite the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, once lived in Hawaii. The Center for Biological Diversity says the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service knowingly delays putting species on the endangered... continued

Wars Caused by Oil

April 29, 2004
If this is the case, would alternate fuels such as wind and hydrogen, which are available everywhere, mean an end to war? If we change to nuclear power when oil runs low, will wars break out in countries with large... continued

Phoenix Lights are Back

April 29, 2004
"Sarah" writes: "The Phoenix Lights are back! A lady I work with came into work today and told us her story?she was 'going crazy' because of what she saw. She and her kids saw it through binoculars and also filmed... continued

Saucer Spies

April 29, 2004
Russia reports that the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command has signed an agreement with EKIP Aviation in Russia to co-produce a flying saucer-shaped aircraft that was developed in 1992. They say the new planes will be ready in a few... continued

Magic Bullets

April 28, 2004
Diets and diet pills affect our bodies, when the problem is really in our brains. But now, for everyone who has despaired of ever losing weight, scientists have discovered two "magic bullets" that work on our brain circuits. One helps... continued

Why Dinosaurs Went Extinct: No Sex

April 28, 2004
65 million years ago, dinosaurs experienced bad weather and an asteroid impact, but scientists say their real problem was too many males for the number of females. They think that the sex of dinosaurs, like crocodiles today, depended on the... continued