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Extinction?Is it in Our Future?
April 29, 2004Half of the 114 species that have become extinct, despite the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, once lived in Hawaii. The Center for Biological Diversity says the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service knowingly delays putting species on the endangered... continued
Wars Caused by Oil
April 29, 2004If this is the case, would alternate fuels such as wind and hydrogen, which are available everywhere, mean an end to war? If we change to nuclear power when oil runs low, will wars break out in countries with large... continued
Phoenix Lights are Back
April 29, 2004"Sarah" writes: "The Phoenix Lights are back! A lady I work with came into work today and told us her story?she was 'going crazy' because of what she saw. She and her kids saw it through binoculars and also filmed... continued
Saucer Spies
April 29, 2004Russia reports that the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command has signed an agreement with EKIP Aviation in Russia to co-produce a flying saucer-shaped aircraft that was developed in 1992. They say the new planes will be ready in a few... continued
Magic Bullets
April 28, 2004Diets and diet pills affect our bodies, when the problem is really in our brains. But now, for everyone who has despaired of ever losing weight, scientists have discovered two "magic bullets" that work on our brain circuits. One helps... continued
Why Dinosaurs Went Extinct: No Sex
April 28, 200465 million years ago, dinosaurs experienced bad weather and an asteroid impact, but scientists say their real problem was too many males for the number of females. They think that the sex of dinosaurs, like crocodiles today, depended on the... continued
Drought or Flood?Which One Will Hit Your Town?
April 28, 2004Global warming brings flooding?and droughts. It all depends on where you live. The Western U.S. and the West Coast will continue to have droughts, due to lack of snow melt and a drop in rainfall. Meanwhile, massive flooding is predicted... continued
Sighting of UFO Mother Ship
April 28, 2004As part of our new Communion Letters series, we received an e-mail from Shakura. Her adventure started when, "In 1987 I was driving from Sedona, Arizona to Laguna Beach on what is called the 'Carefree Hwy'? As I drove into... continued
UFO?or Not?
April 27, 2004UFOs were recently seen by three air traffic controllers at the Winnipeg International Airport, as well as hovering over Stonehenge. One of the Canadian controllers says, "It sounded a little like an airplane?but they were absolutely positive (it wasn't)." Meanwhile,... continued
Texas Terror
April 27, 2004Despite vigilance on the border, illegal aliens regularly sneak into Texas from Mexico, and now Middle Eastern terrorists are starting to do it too. In a small South Texas town, an illegal immigrant aroused suspicion by asking customers about explosives... continued