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Duck, it’s a Meteor!
April 25, 2004Around midnight near Chicago on March 26, 2003, Steven Simon and Lawrence Grossman were woken up by a 2,000 pound meteor crashing nearby. Noe Garza was asleep when a piece of it burst through his ceiling, bounced across the room... continued
Will New Movie Wake People Up?
April 25, 2004This weekend's Drudge Report says, "Employees at NASA have been told not to comment publicly on Fox's new summer fuss-film The Day After Tomorrow" for fear that "moviegoers will be alarmed enough to blame the Bush administration for inattention to... continued
Ancient Building Secrets Discovered
April 23, 2004Wallace T. Wallington has figured out how ancient civilizations like the Egyptians moved giant blocks of stone before they discovered the wheel. He says, "It's more technique than it is technology. I think the ancient Egyptians and Britons knew this."... continued
UFOs: A Modest Proposal
April 23, 2004How can we get the media to stop laughing at UFOs and start putting pressure on the government for real answers? Popular Dreamland guest Will Hart has a modest proposal. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site,... continued
Lawns May Cause Dog Cancer
April 23, 2004This is the time of year when people are fertilizing their lawns and putting pesticides on them. A new study shows that these chemicals may cause bladder cancer in some dogs?and maybe in people too. Researcher Larry Glickman says, "While... continued
First Robin Seen in Far North
April 23, 2004In Spring, many of us look for signs that the weather is warming, and one of these is the first sighting of a robin. Recently Inuits living in Northern Canada had the same experience?for the first time ever. Are robins... continued
Should We Make Mars Another Earth?
April 22, 2004Some scientists think they can make Mars into a livable planet again by tinkering with its atmosphere. "Terraforming has long been a fictional topic," says NASA's Michael Meyer. "Now, with real scientists exploring the reality, we can ask what are... continued
Runestone Proves Vikings in Minnesota
April 22, 2004If the slab of granite known as the Kensington Runestone is real, it proves the Vikings were in central Minnesota more than a century before Columbus discovered America. Researchers are taking the stone to Sweden to ask experts there if... continued
Autism May be “Extreme Maleness”
April 22, 2004New research shows that autism may be linked to male hormones circulating in the developing fetus, and babies who produce high levels of testosterone are more likely to be autistic. It's an affliction that mostly shows up in males. This... continued
First Americans were?Japanese?
April 21, 2004The oldest skull ever discovered in the Americas, of a woman who died 13,000 years ago at age 27, was found in Mexico in 1959, but has never been tested until now. Geologist Silvia Gonzalez, who was finally able to... continued