Should We Make Mars Another Earth?

April 22, 2004
Some scientists think they can make Mars into a livable planet again by tinkering with its atmosphere. "Terraforming has long been a fictional topic," says NASA's Michael Meyer. "Now, with real scientists exploring the reality, we can ask what are... continued

Runestone Proves Vikings in Minnesota

April 22, 2004
If the slab of granite known as the Kensington Runestone is real, it proves the Vikings were in central Minnesota more than a century before Columbus discovered America. Researchers are taking the stone to Sweden to ask experts there if... continued

Autism May be “Extreme Maleness”

April 22, 2004
New research shows that autism may be linked to male hormones circulating in the developing fetus, and babies who produce high levels of testosterone are more likely to be autistic. It's an affliction that mostly shows up in males. This... continued

First Americans were?Japanese?

April 21, 2004
The oldest skull ever discovered in the Americas, of a woman who died 13,000 years ago at age 27, was found in Mexico in 1959, but has never been tested until now. Geologist Silvia Gonzalez, who was finally able to... continued

Iraq Getting More Like Israel

April 21, 2004
Lately the Iraq war is being compared to the Vietnam war, because many people aren't quite sure why we're there and our soldiers are vulnerable to attack by civilians. But others say it's becoming more like the conflict between Israel... continued

Were the Visitors Real, or Only a Dream?

April 21, 2004
As part of our new Communion Letters, we present a letter from Greg, who says: After really, really careful consideration, I've decided to write you. Recently, I read your book "The Communion Letters" three times. Though I have no recollections... continued

Geniuses Use Both Sides of the Brain

April 21, 2004
Why are some people so much smarter than the rest of us? One reason may be that they've learned how to use both sides of their brain at the same time. Scientists know that the left side of the brain... continued

Evidence of Reincarnation

April 20, 2004
Six-year-old James Leininger may be the reincarnation of a 21-year-old Navy fighter pilot who was shot down over the Pacific by the Japanese during World War II. James' parents Andrea and Bruce say they are "probably the people least likely... continued

Sex Differences

April 20, 2004
We recently reported that scientists think humans should try behaving more like our close cousins, the chimpanzees. In some ways we already do: chimp females learn faster than males, the same thing that happens with humans. Shaoni Bhattacharya writes in... continued

Mars Rock Matches Meteorites

April 20, 2004
NASA's Opportunity rover found a rock on Mars that no scientist has ever seen before?except here on Earth. It's similar to meteorites that have come from Mars and impacted the Earth. Many scientists now think that life traveled from Mars... continued