Ice Block Crashes Through Garage Roof

April 13, 2004
We regularly report on ice blocks falling from the sky and the reason why this happens, but since this phenomenon is reported in local news and these stories have never been gathered together in a single national story, it continues... continued

New Cell Phone Danger

April 13, 2004
The charges that cell phones damage the brain have died down, perhaps because newer phones emit less radiation. But a recent study shows how cell phone radiation may damage red blood cells, leading to the claims that they cause brain... continued

The Route to Real Communication

April 11, 2004
One of the main problems in the world is that different groups of humans have trouble communicating with one another. Now researchers say we'd be better off if we behaved more like our close relatives, the chimpanzees. Scientists at the... continued

Can Voting Machines Ever be Secure?

April 11, 2004
Computer-style voting machines make a lot of people nervous, since we know how easy it is to hack into computers. If this was done, votes could be changed and the next Presidential election could be rigged in an undetectable way.... continued

Ice Sheet Melt Will Drown Coastal Cities

April 11, 2004
The Greenland ice sheet will eventually melt away, according to a new computer study. When this happens, sea levels will rise by 23 feet, flooding most of the world's coastal regions. Most major cities are situated on coasts, because they... continued

Join Us in New Prayer

April 11, 2004
Join the prayer group in a new prayer?one very much needed in this time of war. Our current intention: "That grace may come to those who live by hate." Hate is a sickness that drowns souls. It is also one... continued

Mystery Circles in Africa

April 8, 2004
While no crop circles have been found in Africa, there are mysterious "fairy circles" in Namibia and scientists want to know what causes them. So far, all their possible explanations have been disproved?so maybe it is fairies, after all? Fairy... continued

Miracles in the Midst of Us

April 8, 2004
Two miraculous signs have appeared from two different religions in two separate places?Pittsburgh and Palestine. In the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Pennsylvania, a figure of Jesus has begun oozing a colorless, odorless oil. In Palestine, the name of... continued

Why the Shroud of Turin Could be Real

April 8, 2004
The authenticity of the Shroud of Turin has been debated for centuries. 1998 carbon-dating on the bacteria on the cloth showed it was created between 1260 and 1390, making it a Medieval forgery. Other experts say the bacteria comes from... continued

Our Tee Shirts are In!

April 8, 2004
Our beautiful blue tee shirtshave arrived! For all of you who have pre-ordered, they'll be shipped to you today. And we're keeping the special low price of $21.50 until April 15, when they'll go up two dollars, so order... continued