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The Secret of Real Faith
April 7, 2004In Whitley's new journal, he writes: "Nowadays, faith is a loaded word. But when hasn't that been true? People have been getting themselves killed for one faith or another since earliest times?It's worthwhile, at this wonderful season of rebirth and... continued
Life on Other Planets Will Be Detected Soon
April 6, 2004Astronomers say that half the planetary systems in our galaxy could contain Earth-like worlds that can sustain life. In 15 years, we'll have space telescopes that will be able to observe these planets and detect any life that may be... continued
April Fool’s?Should We Do It Again?
April 6, 2004On April 1st, we ran our traditional joke page. In our latest poll, we asked you, "Should we do this again next year?or stop?" We were glad to find out that most of our readers have a good sense of... continued
The Haunted Doorbell
April 6, 2004As part of our new Communion Letters series, Chip writes that after listening to Russell Targ on Dreamland, he discovered his doorbell might be controlled by ETs. Then he read the articles about cars refusing to unlock on unknowncountry.com and... continued
Why We’re Different from Chimps
April 6, 2004One of the mysteries of DNA is how we can share so many genes with chimpanzees, and yet be so different from them. Now scientists say this has to do with which genes have been "turned on." There has been... continued
Do Dog Owners Look Like Their Pets?
April 6, 2004This used to be a joke, but psychologists say it's true. Pure-bred dogs can be matched to their owners most of the time, although this doesn't work for mixed-breed mutts. Psychologist Nicholas Christenfeld gives an example: "There was a goofy... continued
Another Strange Noise on the Space Station
April 5, 2004Last November, we reported that astronauts on board the International Space Station heard a strange noise, as if something was hitting the ISS from space. Now they've heard the same sound again. In November, astronaut Mike Foale said, "It sounded... continued
Investigating the Mysterious Fires in Italy
April 5, 2004We've written about the fires that are breaking out spontaneously, without an obvious cause, in a small town in Sicily. People there have also been unable to unlock their cars without setting off their alarms. (The same thing has happened... continued
The Housework Conspiracy
April 5, 2004Is this some kind of conspiracy? Researchers say that doing housework can reduce a woman's chance of getting cancer. They found the risk of endometrial and breast cancer was cut by 30% from physical activity such as household chores and... continued
Our April Fools Page–Revealed!
April 2, 2004Did we fool you on April 1? Not too many of you, judging from all the appreciative email. Our site has four times the number of users it did last April 1, so we did manage to hoax a few... continued