The Dead Zone

March 31, 2004
It's not just a book by Stephen King, it's an oxygen-starved area in the ocean where nothing can live. Scientists say there are more of these being created than ever before. Fishermen in Martha's Vineyard are discovering "Sea Balls" that... continued

Tests Prove Mediums Really Can Contact Dead

March 31, 2004
A five year study by the Scottish Society for Psychical Research (SSPR) shows that mediums really can get in touch with the deceased. The SSPR's Tricia Robertson says, "The results were very surprising. I have no idea how mediums can... continued

New Reasons to Take a Sick Day

March 30, 2004
Absenteeism is one of the major costs of doing business. Now researchers at NEC-Mitsubishi say a major reason for this is "Irritable Desk Syndrome" (IDS): long working hours, cluttered desks and poor posture are making people sick. Other researchers have... continued

Nasca Lines Being Destroyed

March 30, 2004
Peru's Nasca lines, which were carved over 1,000 years ago and are visited by 80,000 tourists a year, are being turned into a trash dump. Until she died six years ago, German mathematician Maria Reich spend 50 years guarding the... continued

Dust Bowl Early Sign of Global Warming

March 30, 2004
Using computer modeling, NASA has determined that the devastating Dust Bowl in the American Southwest during the 1930s, which helped to set off the Great Depression, was caused by some of the same forces that are driving global warming today.... continued

My Copy of The Key Was Stolen by an Alien

March 30, 2004
Steve wrote us a new Communion Letter telling us his copy of The Key was stolen?by an alien. He says: "?My son came to me and told me he was awakened by a tall blue visitor with big dark eyes... continued

Rock Musician Says He’s Abductee

March 29, 2004
Musician Sammy Hagar has admitted having close encounters with apparent aliens. Over the years, we've received letters from and met many famous people who've told us privately that the same thing happened to them, but none of them have been... continued

We’re Painting the Icebergs Red

March 29, 2004
In "Alice in Wonderland," Alice meets the Queen of Hearts, who is having all the white roses painted red. In the Disney film of that story, playing cards sing the song, "We're painting the roses red!" We're reminded of this... continued

Brazil ‘Hurricane’ Caused by Global Warming?

March 28, 2004
The existence of a rotating storm with an eye in the South Atlantic means that regional waters are now warm enough to generate the kind of moist upward flows of air that trigger tropical storms and hurricanes. Whether or not... continued

A Hero Needs Help

March 26, 2004
Dave Louthan, who has been interviewed on Dreamland and mentioned in our newsletter several times, is an authentic hero who caught the USDA in a lie and forced them to start inspecting many more cattle for Mad Cow Disease. Now... continued