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A “Classic” Abduction?Before Such Things Existed
March 24, 2004In our new Communion Letters series, we present the experiences of Dave, who writes: "Before I relate my experience, I would like to preface it by saying at that time it occurred (in 1974) there was NO information or talk... continued
Mystery of Elk Deaths Solved
March 23, 2004The mystery of why hundreds of elk in Wyoming were suddenly falling to the ground dead has been solved. At least 289 elk have died in south-central Wyoming since early February. They slump to the ground and are unable get... continued
Spontaneous Fires (and Stones) in India
March 23, 2004First we reported about the mysterious spontaneous fires that were taking place in Italy. Now we've learned this is happening in India as well. Rohit Ghosh reports that people in the Madhya Pradesh area of the country have been rushing... continued
Scientists Discover How Aliens Speak
March 23, 2004Scientists have recently re-created what sounds like the UFO metal found at the crash site in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Whether or not they were inspired by descriptions of this mysterious metal is unknown. One phenomenon that almost all... continued
UFO May Have Caused Failure of Beagle 2
March 21, 2004Scientists have an image of the Beagle 2 Mars lander, taken moments after it left its mother ship, that also shows a UFO. In the photo, the Beagle is in the upper left hand corner, and the UFO is in... continued
A New Reason to be in the Middle East
March 21, 2004In Anne Strieber's new Diary, she writes: "Like most of us, I equivocate about our invasion of the Middle East. Some weeks I'm for it, some weeks I'm against it?depending on what I read in the news?but most of the... continued
Less Oil Than We Thought
March 21, 2004We recently reported that the University of Uppsala in Sweden warns that in ten years, oil supplies will drop to disastrously low levels. Now The Financial Times reports that Royal Dutch Shell says it has much lower reserves that it... continued
Will the Next Extinction Include Us?
March 21, 2004There have been five mass extinctions on the Earth in the past four billion years, and the last one 65 million years ago wiped out the dinosaurs. Biologists have long speculated that if humans become extinct, insects will become the... continued
New Show on Unknowncountry!
March 20, 2004Unknowncountry.com is proud to present "Mysterious Powers," Anne Strieber's new show, which will appear every two weeks. Anne became interested in "how to" books?but not the ordinary, boring kind. Anne wants to know the big stuff, like how to be... continued
Another Close Call
March 19, 2004We may not have noticed, but on Thursday afternoon an asteroid 100 feet in diameter, the size of a small office building, made the closest approach ever recorded to the Earth, missing us by one-tenth of the distance between here... continued