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Allergic to Home
March 16, 2004Worried about pollution? Stay away from home, where moving around?and even vacuuming?can kick up enough dust particles to be hazardous to your health. Maybe this will reassure you: the toilet seat is the most germ free place in your house.... continued
Junk Science at the White House
March 16, 2004In the latest issue of The Nation, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes: "The Bush Administration's first instinct when it comes to science has been to suppress, discredit or alter facts it doesn't like. Over the past two years the Administration... continued
8% of Sheep are Gay?is it the Same with Us?
March 16, 2004Researchers are studying gay sheep to try to figure out if homosexuality has a biological origin. They've discovered that certain groups of cells are different in a part of the sheep's brain that controls sexual behavior. Charles E. Roselli says,... continued
God in the Brain
March 15, 2004Researcher Mario Beauregard is studying where in the brain religious feelings are actually experienced by placing electrodes on the scalps of seven nuns in order to record the electrical activity in their brains as they recall a spiritual experience. Before... continued
What’s Your Favorite Dreamland Show?
March 15, 2004Let us know by voting in our new poll! To learn the results of our controversial last poll: Should gay marriage be allowed??read on. There were many multiple votes, with about 80% of them being for the constitutional amendment choice,... continued
Lethal Popcorn
March 15, 2004With the news about genetically-modified crops and Mad Cow Disease, it seems as if no food is safe to eat. Now the EPA has discovered that the fumes released into the air when a bag of butter-flavored microwave popcorn is... continued
Quantum Weirdness in Real Life
March 15, 2004Scientists used to think that the ideas of quantum physics?for instance, that everything is in "superposition" (both everywhere and nowhere) until observed and that particles can be "entangled" and affect each other at great distances?applied only on the atomic level,... continued
Canadian Crop Circle Passes Reality Test
March 12, 2004The Canadian Crop Circle Research Network has received the results of tests by renowned crop circle researcher Nancy Talbott on a seven-circle barley formation found in Edmonton, Alberta in 1999. The clay from the circles shows a significant increase in... continued
Whitley’s Journey to Another World
March 12, 2004In Whitley's profound new journal, he talks about a recent trip when "I felt that I had to get to Marathon, Texas, and that I was behind schedule?We went racing down the dark, empty highway at speeds sometimes far in... continued
Witnesses & Abductees Come Forward
March 12, 2004Stephen Foster writes in the Rochdale (U.K.) Observer about a group of children who saw a UFO. They say it hovered slowly at rooftop level for several minutes, then suddenly shot away. They've made drawings of what they saw, and... continued