You Hate Spam, So Why Are You Sending It?

March 12, 2004
If you're like the rest of us, you hate spam, but if you're not careful, you're probably sending a lot of it to your friends. At least one third of all spam is being sent from home computers without their... continued

African Wars Caused by Weather

March 11, 2004
In the February 1994 edition of the Atlantic Monthly, researcher Robert Kaplan wrote an article called "The Coming Anarchy," stating that, "For a while the media will continue to ascribe riots and other violent upheavals...mainly to ethnic and religious conflict.... continued

USDA: No Mad Cow Testing Allowed

March 11, 2004
Scott Kilman reports in the Wall Street Journal that the USDA will not allow individual meat packers to test their own meat, because it may imply that the beef missed during random testing by the U.S. government is not safe.... continued

How to Tell a Cell Phone Lie

March 11, 2004
Ever want to pretend you're stuck in traffic as an excuse for breaking a date? Now there's software for your cell phone that can generate a fake background noise, so when you call to cancel, you'll be believed. Will Knight... continued

Homeland Security Says: Coal is Back

March 9, 2004
Factories and power plants have started using coal again, despite the fact that it can emit particles that contribute to lung and heart diseases and also emits greenhouse gases. One reason is the upcoming oil shortage, but another is homeland... continued

Osama Will Blow Himself Up if Captured

March 9, 2004
There are covert reports coming from intelligence agencies that the U.S. either knows where Osama bin-Laden is hiding or has already captured him. A new report says he's surrounded by bodyguards who have been ordered to kill him before he's... continued

World Relies on Amateur Asteroid Chasers

March 9, 2004
Amateur astronomers can receive awards of $3,000 for discovering and tracking asteroids that may impact the Earth, according to new legislation approved by the House of Representatives. While this is great, with our recent near-misses, it would be more reassuring... continued

GM Pharm Crops Infiltrating our Food

March 9, 2004
U.S. scientists say there could be a "serious risk to human health," after they've discovered that major food crops are being widely contaminated by DNA from GM crops that are engineered to produce chemicals and drugs. Microbiologist Margaret Mellon, of... continued

Coke Selling Tap Water in U.K.

March 9, 2004
If you buy Coca-Cola's Dasani brand bottled water in London, you're drinking water from the city's public supply?the same water you can get out of a faucet for free. Trevor Datson writes that this is true of many other bottled... continued

More Bigfoot Fakery?

March 9, 2004
First there was the Ray Wallace hoax, where Wallace left information, to be released after his death, that he faked a set of famous Bigfoot prints. Now Bob Heironimus says he played the role of Bigfoot in the notorious film... continued