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Hybrid Mosquitoes Spreading West Nile
March 8, 2004The U.S. is experiencing more serious, widespread cases of West Nile than Europe because of the hybrid mosquitoes here. Genetic analysis shows that the mosquitoes carrying West Nile in the U.S. have the combined DNA of two different types of... continued
A Virus That Prevents AIDS
March 8, 2004It's been discovered that HIV patients who become infected with another, mysterious virus, are less likely to develop AIDS. The mystery virus is known only as GB virus C, and men whose blood shows they are infected with it are... continued
NASA Warns of Coming Climate Change
March 8, 2004The idea that global warming could send North America and Western Europe into an ice age within a few decades can no longer be called a conspiracy theory by skeptics, now that NASA is taking it seriously. According to the... continued
We’re Almost Down to Zero
March 6, 2004We're down to zero on most of our sale books, but we still have a few left, and most of these will probably be abducted by our readers this weekend. If you missed one of these great reads, now's your... continued
Car Designed Just for Women
March 5, 2004Volvo has a new concept car designed especially for women. It has changeable seat pads, in different colors and patterns, tons of storage, and a hood that doesn't open. Jorn Madslien writes in bbcnews.com that the car, which is now... continued
Indian Tribes Familiar with Bigfoot
March 5, 2004Indian tribes in North Dakota and Pennsylvania are familiar with Bigfoot. Paul Danks, administrator for the Three Affiliated Tribes, is tracking Bigfoot sightings on a map. And along with deer and other wild critters, Bigfoot has been seen roaming the... continued
Gay Marriage Nothing New in Catholic Church
March 5, 2004Yale University historian John Boswell has discovered that the Catholic church has been marrying gays for centuries. Jim Duffy writes in the Irish Times that in his book "The Marriage of Likeness: Same Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe," Boswell describes... continued
Coin Toss NOT Fair
March 4, 2004We toss a coin and ask people to name either "heads" or "tails" because we think this gives each side an equal chance?except it doesn't. Statistician Persi Diaconis says, "I don't care how vigorously you throw it, you can't toss... continued
What are Orbs?
March 4, 2004Some people say they are just specks of dust on camera lenses. But researcher Julie Ryder says, "The orbs are becoming more and more complex. They are consciousnesses from other dimensions and are trying to make contact with us. The... continued
Big Quakes Due for California & Israel
March 4, 2004We recently wrote that a team of seismologists has discovered that microquakes in California?many of which can't even be felt?predict when a Big One is due. A team of scientists that has gotten earlier earthquake predictions right now expects a... continued