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Black Triangle UFOs
March 3, 2004As part of our series on new Communion Letters, Gary writes: It was about 9:30, Sunday night, November, 1993 when I saw the Black Triangle UFO. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links... continued
Mad Cow Man Tells More
March 2, 2004Dave Louthan, the man who slaughtered the cow in Washington State that started the Mad Cow madness, has a chilling update for us. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
Celebrity Worship?Good or Bad?
March 2, 2004We're all star-struck around Academy Awards time, but according to one interpretation of a recent psychological study, young people who worship celebrities may have psychological problems, and be lonely, insecure or lacking in social skills. Another interpretation says celebrity worship... continued
It’s Not Easy Being Green
March 2, 2004Patrick Moore help found Greenpeace in 1971, but today he's pushing GM foods and nuclear power plants. And the Sierra Club is being taken over by anti-immigration activists. What's going on here? Drake Bennett writes in wired.com that despite campaigning... continued
NASA Says Mars Could Have Supported Life
March 2, 2004NASA's press conference at 2 pm EST today announcedthat liquid water had existed for an "appreciable time" on Mars, and that the planetary environment had once been capable of supporting life. So far, NASA has not found any fossils, but... continued
Green Bears in Singapore
March 1, 2004Visitors to the Singapore zoo have noticed that the polar bears there have turned green. At first it was suspected that someone had sneaked into the compound and spray pained them. But then it was discovered that algae is growing... continued
Air Force Pilot Sees UFOs
March 1, 2004As part of our series of new Communion Letters, we present the experiences of Bill, an Air Force pilot who had a UFO experience. If anyone should be able to tell the difference between a secret military craft and a... continued
Have We Got Bin-Laden?
March 1, 2004We recently reported that according to the (U.K.) Sunday Express, Osama bin-Laden?s hiding place, in the mountains bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan, is being monitored by U.S. satellites. Now Yossi Melman writes in the Haaretz Daily that Iran's official IRNA news... continued
Astronaut Speaks Plainly about Aliens
February 27, 2004Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who has spoken frankly with colleagues about UFOs and aliens, but avoided mentioning them in public, recently spoke out on the subject at a recent talk in Florida. He said, "A few insiders know the truth?and... continued
OK to Test Pesticides on People
February 27, 2004The government wants to allow chemical companies to test pesticides on people. However, the Natural Resources Defense Council calls this an "appalling suggestion." Maggie Fox writes in Reuters that for the last 6 years, the EPA has allowed no human... continued