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What are Orbs?
March 4, 2004Some people say they are just specks of dust on camera lenses. But researcher Julie Ryder says, "The orbs are becoming more and more complex. They are consciousnesses from other dimensions and are trying to make contact with us. The... continued
Big Quakes Due for California & Israel
March 4, 2004We recently wrote that a team of seismologists has discovered that microquakes in California?many of which can't even be felt?predict when a Big One is due. A team of scientists that has gotten earlier earthquake predictions right now expects a... continued
New UFO Sightings Worldwide
March 3, 2004UFOs have been seen in the U.K., Canada and Kansas, and a wonderful new photo of a UFO was taken in Venezuela. Kevin Engstrom reports in the Winnipeg (Canada) Sun that John Stewart saw a UFO in August, along with... continued
Suicide Bombers May be Coming Here
March 3, 2004A recent Israeli army raid on Palestinian banks found payrolls for terrorists who were being trained to commit suicide attacks in the U.S. and Europe. In the raids, Israel seized between 6.5 and 9 million dollars in cash from four... continued
Black Triangle UFOs
March 3, 2004As part of our series on new Communion Letters, Gary writes: It was about 9:30, Sunday night, November, 1993 when I saw the Black Triangle UFO. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links... continued
Killer Stalks Brazilian Zoo
March 3, 200459 animals have been killed in the Sao Paulo Zoo since last month, including an elephant, dromedaries, monkeys and porcupines. Tests show the animals were killed with a rat poison that is banned in Brazil. For Reuters, Paula Lace quotes... continued
Mad Cow Man Tells More
March 2, 2004Dave Louthan, the man who slaughtered the cow in Washington State that started the Mad Cow madness, has a chilling update for us. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
Celebrity Worship?Good or Bad?
March 2, 2004We're all star-struck around Academy Awards time, but according to one interpretation of a recent psychological study, young people who worship celebrities may have psychological problems, and be lonely, insecure or lacking in social skills. Another interpretation says celebrity worship... continued
It’s Not Easy Being Green
March 2, 2004Patrick Moore help found Greenpeace in 1971, but today he's pushing GM foods and nuclear power plants. And the Sierra Club is being taken over by anti-immigration activists. What's going on here? Drake Bennett writes in wired.com that despite campaigning... continued
NASA Says Mars Could Have Supported Life
March 2, 2004NASA's press conference at 2 pm EST today announcedthat liquid water had existed for an "appreciable time" on Mars, and that the planetary environment had once been capable of supporting life. So far, NASA has not found any fossils, but... continued